Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The non separation of Church and State theologically depends on Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS

Photo published for Limond Toussaint dans les habits de ministre de la Culture et de la Communication
Father Limond Toussaint, a priest of the Diocese of Jacmel, Haiti, has become the new minister of Culture and Communication of his country, and, as a consequence, was suspended as a priest because clerics are not allowed to assume public office. In the past, Salesian Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide became the president of Haiti and later left the priesthood according to Gloria Tv.
There is no separation of Church and State but 'the false church' maintains this separation.There is no separation of Church and State since outside the Church there is no salvation and so all need to enter the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell.So the priority was that all political and social legislation have Jesus as he is known in the Catholic Church, as their center.There could be no separation of Church  and State based on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(Feeneyite).
Even today Vatican Council II  and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) can be interpreted with Feeneyism and the ecclesiology of the Church will be that of the past.
But in 1965 the theologians interpreted Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism,when they had a choice.They created a new theology.With this new theology they inferred that there was known salvation outside the Church. So since the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II was interpreted with Cushingism  everyone did not need to enter the Church for salvation.The teachings on the separation of Church and State were discarded.
Now the false church within the Catholic Church under instructions from the Left, which belongs to Satan, strictly enforces the separation of Church and State, as if this is a new Revelation in the Church.In the past the popes were against usury. They  have changed that. The popes were against the Jewish Left, the kabbalists, talmudis and money changers.They are no more opposed.
When Catholics once again affirm EENS (Feeneyite) without EENS (Cushingite) and replace Vatican Council II(Cushingite) with Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) we then have the old ecclesiology upon which was based the non separation of Church and State.
There are other good implications. With Vatican Council II and EENS (Feeneyite) the new ecumenism is meaningless. Since now it means all Christians need to enter the Church with Catholic faith(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).Also there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma EENS  (Feeneyite).Inter religious dialogue  would be part of Mission since all non Christians with no known exception would be oriented to Hell.This would be the old teaching  according to the old ecclesiology of the Church, not contradicted by Vatican Council II(Feeneyite).
Then Father Limond Toussaint, a priest of the Diocese of Jacmel, Haiti, could enter politics with the permission of his bishop.There  could be Catholic political parties which affirm the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II (EENS).They could call for a separation of secularism  and State. Since when there is a separation of Church and State then the values in society are not  those of God but of Satan.
-Lionel Andrades

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