Monday, May 8, 2017

Bishop Schneider did not tell the Polish people that John Paul II made a theological mistake.Vatican Council II does not contradict the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past.

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In the interview he recently gave to a Polish Catholic daily mainstream paper and reproduced on Rorate Caeili Bishop Schneider did not tell the Polish people that John Paul II made a theological mistake.Vatican Council II does not contradict the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past.1
Image result for Photo of Pope John Paul II with Bishop Athanasius Schneider
He does not say 'there is no other religion which saves man, except the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church is the unique Church of God, because the Church is the living Christ Himself. Jesus Christ is really corporally risen from the dead and there are no known exceptions in 2017, there cannot be any known exception in 2017. The baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance is not an exception to the dogma EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century.There is only the ordinary means of salvation and there is no extra ordinary way. Since we humans cannot know of an extraordinary way of salvation.' physically visible).He chose not to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. He does not state that invisible cases cannot be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc cannot be exceptions to esclusive salvation in the Church.
Image result for Photo of Pope John Paul II with Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Vatican Council II cannot be an exception to the old exclusivis ecclesioloy of the Church which he has affirmed in the interview to the Polish paper.
He did not tell the Polish people that there is no development of the dogma as Pope John Paul II also may have wrongly assumed.He did not contradict the statement of Pope Benedict in March 2016.For him there is a development of the dogma EENS with Vatican Council II.Pope John Paul II was not wrong for him.
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So theologically Bishop Athansius Schneider contradicts himself. He also interprets Vatican Council II with an irrationality. He isnot really affirming the Faith theologically.His reasoning is the same as the liberals and Masons on this issue.He does not find fault with my interpretation of Vatican Council II and nor has he corrected me over the last six or seven years.

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Pope John Paul II overlooked the Cushingite theology in Vatican Council II, Redemptoris Missio and Dominus and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846,1257).

Without the Cushingite theology there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the past ecclesiocentrism which was based on Feeneyite outside the Church there is no salvation.
Image result for Photo of Pope John Paul II with Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Bishop Schneider completely ignored this point. If he affirmed Feeneyite Vatican Council II he would be saying all Jews need to enter the Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) and there are no exceptions.There can be no exceptions.Hypothetical cases cannot be objective exceptions in 2017. Similarly he would be saying that according to Vatican Council II(Ad Gentes 7 and the dogma EENS, Feeneyite) all Muslims are going to Hell where Mohammad is, since they die without 'faith and baptism' and there can be no known exceptions to the dogma EENS and the old exclusivist ecclesiocentrism in 2017.
-Lionel Andrades


Bishop Athanasius Schneider incoherent and confused



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