Friday, May 26, 2017

English bishops do not tell the truth to future bombers and non Catholics

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has expressed his sadness at Monday night’s bombing of the Manchester Arena.
In a letter to Bishop of Salford John Arnold, the cardinal wrote: “It is with great sorrow that I heard the media reports if last night’s atrocity, in Manchester.
“May God grant strength and enduring faith to all who are bereaved, injured and traumatised. May God welcome into His merciful presence all who have died. May God turn the hearts of all who commit evil to a true understanding of His desire and intention for humanity.”

Cardinal Vincent Nicols has not told the Muslims and Protesants in Britain that they are all going to Hell according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, pre and post Vatican Council II.
He has not said that all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.So the Muslim bomber and the Protestant spectators at the Manchester Arena are lost for all eternity.Since the ordinary way of salvation is 'faith and baptism' in the Catholic Church. The ordinary means of salvation is not a good conscience, invincible ignorance, good and holy things in other religions (NA 2), elements of sanctification and truth in other religions (LG 8) or invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.These are references to theoretical cases, speculation, and so are not concrete exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So the dogma outside the church there is no salvaton remains unchanged.It is not contradicted by Vatican Council II, unless of course, the cardinal mixes up what is hypothetical and unknown as being visible and concrete in 2017.
Soon there could be more bombings by Muslims who have not been told by Cardinal Vince Nicols, that the Catholic Church, through which/Whom,God has given the world the Bible and the concept of the Trinity, also teaches outside the Church there is no salvation.Possibly Nicols does not believe in the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and so he believes that all who have died in the Manchester bombing are on the way to Heaven.
He has said,'May God welcome into His merciful presence all who have died. May God turn the hearts of all who commit evil to a true understanding of His desire and intention for humanity'.Does he consider the act of the bomber evil and so he will go to Hell ? Or does he believe that the bomber was following his conscience as a Muslim and so will go to Heaven. He has not mentioned it. Pope Francis says conscience is supreme and he indicates that there is no objective reality. So the young people there at the Manchester event, were following their conscience and attending a program whose values and morals were not of God.This also could have been a factor in the bomber choosing that place.So according to Nicols they will go to Heaven inspite of being probably Protestants and living in mortal sin, since there is no objective reality for the bishops and Pope Francis. Every one must follow his conscience.
Image result for Photo of Cardinal Vincent Nichols with MuslimsImage result for Photo of Cardinal Vincent Nichols with Muslims
Nicols attends inter-faith meetings in England without affirming the Catholic faith.He probably does not believe in it.So it is not clear what he considers evil in the Manchester bombing.Was he only issuing a statement to please the corrupt Leftist politicians in England?
Bishop John Arnord the bishop of Salford and Manchester could also be ' a fake Catholic'. It is good for the English bishops that we Catholics do not kill 'infidels' He does not caution future, would -be bombers.He does not tell them that according to the Catholic faith, interpreted without an irrational premise, all non Catholics will end up in the fires of Hell. He does not tell Catholics to go out on mission and preach the Good News in Salsford since all the non Catholics will go to the fires of Hell if they do not become members of the Catholic Church. He does not tell them that the magisterium made a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case when it assumed that invisible for us baptism of desire was a visible exception on earth for the need for all to become members of the Catholic Church for salvation.
For Catholics all suicide is evil.The Muslims in Britain, even those who do not commit suicide,are Hell-bound, according to Jesus' teachings in the Bible . Jesus has said that all need the baptism of water for salvation. The baptism of water was given in the only Catholic/Christian community, the only Church Jesus founded, the Catholic Church. Jesus also said that all who believe in Him will be saved and all who do not , will be condemned(Mark 16:16). He said enter through the narrow gate for the gate to Hell is wide and most people take it. (Matt.7:13).The narrow gate is the Catholic Church, with its Sacraments and faith and moral teachings.It is Jesus' Mystial Body through which He saves.Protestants and Muslims are outside it. Also those living in mortal sin, even if they are Catholics, are outside the Church and are on the wide road.
Bishop John Arnold says such an attack can have no justification. Is it possible that Muslims have heard Pope Francis say that 'consciene is supreme' and just 'follow your conscience'. So they could be justifying this attack by following their conscience. After all the Catholic bishops do not tell them that there is an objective reality outside their conscience.It is like a person, will die if he drinks poison irrespective of his beliefs about it.If a man jumps off a cliff he will go downwards even if he believed personally that he would go up.This is objective reality and Hell is objective reality at the supernatural level of our existence.
The Pope has encouraged Catholics to commit sacrilege in the name of conscience. Even the English bishops give the Eucharist to people in manifest mortal sin.Vince Nicols gives the Eucharist to practising homosexuals and does not consider this act evil. There is no objective reality for the bishops, pastorally. Pastorally there is no mortal sin.So are they condemning the bomber only because it is politically correct with the secular and Satanic forces in England?
After what has been deemed a terrorist attack killed 22 people – mostly youth – at a theater in Manchester Monday night, local Bishop John Arnold condemned the act, saying there is no justification for such violence.
“The citizens of Manchester and members of the Catholic community are united in condemning the attack on the crowds at the Arena. Such an attack can have no justification,” Bishop Arnold said in a May 23 statement via the diocese’s Twitter account.

Image result for Photo of Bishop John arnold at the Manchester Arena
Image result for Photo of Bishop John arnold at the Manchester Arena
Image result for Photo of Bishop John arnold at the Manchester Arena
So the two Catholic bishops will pray for all who died in the attack and will hope God will have mercy on all of them and not send them to Hell.They will say the same thing after every attack in future.They will not condemn the morals of the musicians and entertainers nor tell members of other religions that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.There are only Catholics in Heaven.Catholics are the new people of God (NA 4, Vatican Council II).-Lionel Andrades

Archbishop: Strong Words On Manchester Victims

Poor Children: Monsignor Luigi Negri, the former archbishop of Ferrara, Italy, published on La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana a letter to the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing that killed 23 youngsters. The title: "Poor children of a society that does not recognize evil." Negri belongs to the small Catholic wing of the Italian Bishops.

Only Two Things: Negri writes to the victims, "You were born, often undesired, and nobody has given you 'adequate reasons to live'. They only told you two things: that you can do whatever you want, because each of your desires is a right, and that it is important to have the largest possible number of consumer goods."

The Devil: Negri points out that the victims were never told that there is Evil. Quote, "Evil is a person, not a series of forces or energies. It is a person. There, during your concert, this person crouched down."

Deadly Silence: Commenting on the upcoming funeral, Negri writes: "Don't worry, they did not help you to live but they will organize a 'first-rate' funeral for you, during which a short-winded secularist rhetoric will make a supreme effort, with all authorities standing silently, sadly also the religious ones.

Outdoors: Negri continues, "Of course, your funerals will be celebrated outdoors, even for those of you who were believers, because in our times the only temple is nature." And: "In the churches they do not celebrate funerals anymore because, as Cardinal Sarah put it so sharply, in the Catholic churches they are now celebrating the funeral of God."

Plush Toys: Archbishop Negri says to the victims that – quote: "They will not forget to place on the sidewalks your plush toys, the memories of your childhood, and of your early youth. Then, everything will be filed in the rhetoric of those who have nothing to say in the face of such tragedies because they have nothing to say in the face of life."

Hope: Negri hopes - quote - "that at least some of these cultural, political and religious gurus will hold back their words and will not overrun us with their usual speeches saying that this 'it is not a religion war', that 'religion by its nature is open dialogue and understanding'."

Wasted Life: At the end the archbishop promises: "I am an old bishop who still believes in God, in Christ and in the Church, I will celebrate Mass for all of you on the day of your funeral in order that, whatever your religious practice has been, you may meet on the other side Our Lady's dearest face who may embrace you and comfort you for this wasted life, not for your fault but for the fault of your adults.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols says: “Britons could learn a lot from the ‘vibrant’ faith of Muslim migrants”


British people have much to learn from the “vibrancy of the Muslim faith” of new immigrants including refugees, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has said.

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