Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Italy’s Catholics Push Back Against Gay Pride Paradeby Juliana Freitag  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  May 26, 2017    11 Comments

Catholics planning public day of reparation receive no support from local clergy

"Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It's up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church." ~Ven. Abp. Fulton J. Sheen
Last week Catholics from Reggio Emilia in northern Italy decided to take action against the first-ever gay pride parade to take place in their town on June 3.
The town of Reggio Emilia, currently under the rule of Italy's Democratic Party, also hosted the registration of the first civil union between two homosexual men, immediately after the controversial law was sanctioned last year.
Flyer for event in reparation of gay pride parade
When a group of faithful heard the city would be the stage for the official beginning of "gay pride season," with full support of the mayor and city funds, they created Comitato Beata Giovanna Scopelli (Committee Bl. Giovanna Scopelli, in honor of Carmelite Bl. Reggio Emilia) and announced the organization of a reparative procession on the same day as the LGBT parade.
Emails to Catholic blogs and journalists followed, and soon the committee was an item on every national news outlet in Italy. The reason for all the attention was the delivery of the grim truth: Homosexuality is objectively disordered.
The committee isn't subtle. Its flyer depicts the scourging of Christ with a quote from St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae: "Wherefore in sins contrary to nature, whereby the very order of nature is violated, an injury is done to God, the Author of nature."
Their first public statement read:
[O]ur aim is to organize a great procession in reparation for the public scandal that the gay pride [parade] will cause. ... The impure sin against nature, as taught by the Catechism, cries to Heaven for vengeance. ... As Catholics, we must make these our worries again, showing and expressing our faith, especially in public. In defense of the only real Creed ... in defense of the virtues of purity and chastity, and of everything our Holy Mother Church has entrusted us to do along the centuries. ... The moment has arrived for all Catholics of good will to unite, as it once happened during the gay pride [parade] of 2000 in Rome, where many factions of Catholics came together for reparation, under the name "Committee for a Christian Rome." 
The criticism started pouring in from the public administration, the press, LGBT communities and celebrities.

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