Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sharia Italy: Newspaper editor charged with having “publicly injured the Islam religion”


“Islamic bastards.” Intemperate language, to be sure. But subject to prosecution? Do you think that Marco Belpietro would have been prosecuted if he had written “Christian bastards”? Neither do I.
“In the public prosecutor’s indictment Belpietro is accused of having ‘publicly injured the Islam religion through contempt towards those who profess it.'”
How do Belpietro’s words injure the Islamic religion? Isn’t it the same as it was before he wrote what he wrote? Or is it now somehow wounded? If so, is it not extraordinarily weak? And it’s illegal now in Italy to injure the Islamic religion and express contempt for Muslims? So Italy has adopted Sharia blasphemy laws? Is it illegal in Italy to injure the Christian religion and express contempt for Christians? If such a law is on the books, I doubt it is enforced. Nor should it be.
“Islam group plaintiff agst Belpietro,” ANSA, May 15, 2017:
(ANSA) – Milan, May 15 – A Milan judge on Monday admitted the Coordination of Islamic Associations in Milan and Monza (CAIM) group as a civil plaintiff in the trial against Marco Belpietro, who wrote a front-page news story in November 2015 titled “Islamic bastards” when he was editor of Italian newspaper Libero.
The story was in response to the terrorist attacks in Paris.
In the public prosecutor’s indictment Belpietro is accused of having “publicly injured the Islam religion through contempt towards those who profess it”….

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