Sunday, May 7, 2017

There is no other religion which saves man, except the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church is the unique Church of God, because the Church is the living Christ Himself. Jesus Christ is really corporally risen from the dead - Bishop Athansius Schneider

Image result for Photo Bishop Athanasius Schneider
What are you going to say to Polish readers?

– Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I wish to all readers of Nasz Diennik abundant graces of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ. May you be strengthened in the living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Savior of humankind. There is no other religion which saves man, except the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church is the unique Church of God, because the Church is the living Christ Himself. Jesus Christ is really corporally risen from the dead. Yet, He is risen with His holy wounds on His body. The wounds, the signs and witnesses of the Passion and the sacrifice of the Cross, will always remain. They are indelible sings of the unspeakable love and mercy of Christ. The wounds remain on the risen body of Christ to remind that a true Christian cannot be without the cross, that a true Christianity will always glory itself only in the Cross of Christ, that the cross of Christ is our greatest spiritual weapon in the battle against the evil spirits, against the enemies of the truth. We believe in Jesus Christ, in His Cross, in His wounds, in His glorious resurrection from the dead. For the sake of this faith we want to be ready to give our lives. Jesus is alive and lives and we also, if living in the state of grace, are alive and live. If we are in the state of grace, Christ lives within us, and then we have nothing to fear. Christ is risen, He truly is risen!-Bishop Athanasius Schneider

However Bishop Athansius Schnedier like the SSPX bishops does not state that invisible for us baptism of desire is not an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.
For him it is an exception.
He accepts the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston which assumed it is an exception.
He accepted Pope Benedict in March 2016 saying that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is no more like it was in the 16th century.The pope is a Cushingite like him.
Pope Benedict said that there was a development of the dogma with Vatican Council II. He meant that Vatican Council II ( LG 16) etc interpreted with Cushingism contradicted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This has been accepted by Bishop Schneider.
So even though he says' there is no other religion which saves man, except the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church is the unique Church of God, because the Church is the living Christ Himself ',he means there are exceptions for some known people. Some people do not need to enter the Church for salvation.Some people do not need to be members of the Church for salvation since they could be saved in invicible ignorance or the baptism of desire etc.
He does not interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. He does not state that invisible cases cannot be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He does not state that LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc cannot be exceptions to  eclusive salvation in the Church which he has affirmed above.He did not state that there is no development of the dogma. He did not contradict Pope Benedict in March 2016.
So theologically the bishop contradicts himself. He also interprets Vatican Council II with an irratonality. He is not really affirming  the Faith theologically. His reasoning is the same as the liberals and Masons on this issue.
He criticizes correctly the subjectivity in Amoris Laeititia .However he uses this same
subjectivity to assume there are known cases of the baptism of desire etc.So there are known exceptions to Feeenyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus for him.This is a lack of coherence in his otherwise welcome statements.
When he says 'there is no other religion which saves man, except the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church is the unique Church of God, because the Church is the living Christ Himself. Jesus Christ is really corporally risen from the dead' he could mean all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. This is the liberal theology of Pope Benedict.This is the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology. It infers that there are known cases of people saved with the baptism of desire etc and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. So every one does not need to enter the Church as members, but only those who know.This is a new theology and a new doctrine.It is magisterial.
-Lionel Andrades

MAY 7, 2017

How long more before a Mark Smythe will be arrested for traditional Catholic beliefs in harmony with Vatican Council II and the arrest will be approved by the Vatican and the USCCB ?

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