Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This will be a theological earthquake for Pope Benedict and the present magisterium which is sustaining heresy in the Catholic Church

"The Muslim world today finds itself facing an extremely urgent task that is very similar to the one that was imposed upon Christians beginning in the age of the Enlightenment, and that Vatican Council II, through long and painstaking effort, resolved concretely for the Catholic Church.-Pope Benedict XVI

Settimo Cielo
Sandro Magister has quoted in a positive way Pope Benedict saying 'the Muslim world today finds itself facing an extremely urgent task that is very similar to the one that was imposed upon Christians beginning in the age of the Enlightenment, and that Vatican Council II, through long and painstaking effort, resolved concretely for the Catholic Church.' Magister is not aware of the theological deception used by Rahner, Ratzinger, Cushing and other ecclesiastics 1 It can be undone today.
We can dismantle the work of the liberal theologians.They used a false premise to break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).We avoid that premise and we are back to the old ecclesiology of the Church.
In this way we have put aside the work of Ratzinger,Rahner, Kung...There is exclusive salvation once again in the Catholic Church as it is still is there in Islamism.
Vatican Council II without the irrational premise( invisible cases are visible, the baptism of desire refers to visible cases) and non traditioal conclusion( visible baptism of desire is an exception to all needing to be formal members of the Church for salvation) does not contradict outside the church there is no salvation as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.
Similarly the dogma EENS  interpreted without the irrational premise(invisible cases are invisible and not exceptions to EENS) does not conflict with the understanding of the dogma in the 16th century.
Without the irrational premise the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are not exceptions to the outside the church there is no salvation as it was known in the 16th century.
Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict with aBRAHAM fOXMAN adl
Without the irrational premise Pope Benedict XVI made a mistake in March 2016 when he said that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century since there was a development with Vatican Council II. There is no development with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) which does not use the irrational premise.
This will be a theological earthquake for Pope Benedict and the present magisterium which sustains heresy in the Catholic Church.They maintain a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors and have gotten away with it.Since Catholics without believe 'the magisterium' is always correct.Sandro Magister too did not notice this.
Pope Benedict and the cardinals have used a false premise, they have violated the Principle of Non Contraduction and they have passed this off as the work of the Holy Spirit and demanded obedience. Sandro Magister did not note.
Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict with Jewish RABBISChief rabbis Yona Metzger, left, and Shlomo Amar, right, presenting Pope Benedict XVI with an illustrated text in Jerusalem in 2009. (photo credit: Kobi Gideon/Flash90)

Over the years Pope Benedict has cautioned that society is far away from God and people need to come back to God.He has never said that every one in society needs to be a formal member of the Catholic Church for salvation.He chose a comfortable life for himself and others.No tension.
He changed Catholic theology and doctrine as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith when he used and supported a false premise to create a non traditional conclusion.Now he wants the same thing to happen for the Muslims in their religion.It is has if he has always been working for the one world religion, with a false image of Jesus and the Church.
Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict with Jewish RABBISImage result for Photo of Pope Benedict with aBRAHAM fOXMAN adl
With the end of the dogma EENS, which he did not even refer to as a dogma in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, there was no theological basis for the old ecumenism, the old concept of Mission and salvation, the past ecclesiology on other religions and salvation, the non separation of Church and State and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.With one stroke, one action, he rejected so much within the Catholic Church and now he wants someone to do the same thing in Islam.
"The Muslim world today finds itself facing an extremely urgent task that is very similar to the one that was imposed upon Christians beginning in the age of the Enlightenment, and that Vatican Council II, through long and painstaking effort, resolved concretely for the Catholic Church.-Pope Benedict XVI
-Lionel Andrades


May 9, 2017
Pope Benedict praised Vatican Council II's hermeneutic of rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus : seeks the same for Muslims

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