Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Are We To Believe?

Are we to believe?
That’s a relevant question, a constant issue, in spiritual and non-spiritual venues: what’s truth and what is “fake”?
The One Who tells us, ultimately, of course, is the Holy Spirit of Truth.
As an example, is this true?
“Devout members of the traveling community gathered at the Marian shrine at Knock yesterday in the hope of a vision of the Virgin Mary,” reported the UK Independent. “A 14-year-old boy from the traveling community had been at the shrine in Fatima, Portugal, last May with his family when it is said he saw visions of the Virgin Mary. After the experience, the [unnamed] youngster asserted that the Virgin Mary would appear at Knock during which time she would bless everyone present.”
And so a little stampede of faithful to Knock occurred over the weekend. (We recall that Knock was where fifteen people had witnessed Mary as well as Saint Joseph and John the Evangelist on the side of a church in 1879.)
According to his father, the boy saw Mary at Fatima for two days back during this year’s anniversary celebrations. The father had added: “Our Lady will appear on the ground [at Knock] and she will bless everyone on the ground. I know Our Lady will be there. It’s for everybody out there who believes in it and who doesn’t believe in it.”
So, did she appear at Knock as promised on June 10, 2017?
Another newspaper, the Irish Mirror, said that day (Saturday): “According to reports Our Lady had been due to appear at 3 p.m. — but there were no reports of any vision this afternoon.” Irish Central added details:
“A visionary from Medjugorje was speaking to him in Portuguese and [the boy] was able to understand every word out of her mouth, he got that gift to understand any visionary [said the dad again].”
Apparently, there were other supposed seers as well. Repeated the dad about the blessing:
“He won’t be doing it individually – whoever wants to be there at three o’clock Our Lady will come down, I can’t say if the three visionaries will be there, but I know Our Lady will be there. If you want to be there on 10 June everyone is welcome.”
Over two thousand showed up in anticipation, reported RTE. And as reported, it seemed nothing had occurred.
“But now a video has emerged on social media with what worshipers claim is the Virgin Mary appearing in the clouds above the shrine,” states that news outlet.
Indeed, as you can see in one video below, it does seem something happened in the sky, if nothing else, an unusual display of the sun.
Truth… Fake… Sometimes, indiscernibly in-between.

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