Saturday, June 3, 2017

Church Militant TV still at it : spreading the 'spirit of Vatican Council II'

What are laity actually being called to do?

is the flagship show of Church Militant, the series that started it all 10 years ago. It's getting a facelift via digital remastering, and in this episode,



On the Download yesterday Friday on Vatican Council II , Simon Rafe is going out of his way to prove that they are liberals who accept the Council with Cushingism.So they cannot be bracketed with the SSPX by the enemies of the Church,who accept Vatican Council II(Cushingism) and do not affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).
What a fall for Church Militant TV. No more trapping of lies and falsehoods but actually spreading them.
All their programs are based on Cushingism, since it is politically correct with the Left which permits them to sell false doctrines.The same permission is given to EWTN and Catholic Answers.
The first rule for CMTV is look after Number one even if you have to deceive to stay afloat.
(11:42) Rodney what must be done by the laity in evangelisation? As if Rodney is going to "Simon, like you know but will not say aloud, they, the laity have to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of the Cushingism which instead we are forced to affirm in public to stay alive, even though we know it is irrational and a rupture with Tradition.".
Michael Voris says (11:59) that before you start preaching you pray and you learn.One without the other is just half the pray and you learn that is what is required of us as laity.( How can they learn if Michael and Bradley will not tell them that they can interpret Vatican Council II without an irrational premise? Instead CMTV gives them a practical example of interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and the result is 'the spirit of Vatican Council II' ? Michael Voris is unable to avoid the spirit of Vatcan Council II  and he wants the laity to put their neck on the line.)
Pray and education that is the bedrock of the laity's vocation in the Church ( By education he means accepting the new ecclesiology based on a false premise since the present magisterium does this. It means not educating Catholic laity about this error and goin afoul with the powerful magisterium,which can excommunicate you for being a a faithful, non liberal Catholic.)
(20:07) what is the authentic message for the laity in Vatican Council II?( The authentic message is do not interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism but choose Feeneyism.Then the Council will not be a rupture with Tradition.It will not have the hermeneutic of rupture but one of continuity with Tradition. This is the Vatican Council II which must be accepted and not the Cushingite one.)
(21:36) Is there is a single doctrine you cannot defend we will right the article on how to do it...(21:36) nobody has yet contacted us on that...(This is a lie. They have never responded to any of these reports on EucharistandMission and nor on Gloria TV. Since they are afraid of the Jewish Left.They do not want to be labelled as haters.So they are not telling Catholic laity the truth on Vatican Council II and Catholic doctrine.They are prmoters of the spirit of Vatican Council II, lies and falsehood).
(21:49) We have formal education classes on the Eucharist, the Bible, the Blessed Virgin Mary....(But none on salvation.Their understanding of salvation is Cushingite.)
(23:04) The laity, you were called to evangelise by the Second Vatican Council II....(Yes but not like the liberals and Cardinal Kasper who also interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Do not evangelise like Michael Voris who say, 'not every one needs to be a card carrying member of the Church'.He means there are invisible cases of the baptism of desire which are visible exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is the doctrine with which CMTV evangelises If they did not use this false doctrine there would be protests in the National Catholic Reporter and the New York Times and the Archbishop of Detroit will one again say they are not Catholic.)
(23:42) Here's what we can do to help you, with education, we have tons.....( Cushingite material, tons of it)
-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 8, 2017

Michael Voris concedes that he has double standards on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II

DECEMBER 8, 2016

Image result for Photo of The Download Michael Voris

No denial from Michael Voris and the Download panel : afraid to affirm Catholic doctrine on salvation theology,Vatican Council II,extra ecclesiam nulla salus etc

MAY 6, 2016

CMTV staffers attend Mass affirming the new theology, which is a break with EENS and the Nicene Creed and so it is heretical

MAY 5, 2016

CMTV Download remains politically correct

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