Saturday, June 10, 2017

Hate Speech! Barnhardt Podcast on the Jews Banned by YouTube!


We laff. We laff hard.
First off, let me offer my thanks to all of the Nerds out there who totally understood SuperNerd’s instructions and archived my entire YouTube catalog. Can I make one more request of you Nerds? My “Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil” video presentation was censored by YouTube years ago. BUT, it lives on in mirrored copies on YouTube. Could you guys go find a good version and be sure that is archived as well? That is, by far, my most watched video presentation. Between my original copy and all of the mirrors (with many of them subtitled in foreign languages), it has been viewed millions of times, and continues to spread.
In less than 12 hours, YouTube banned Podcast #007 after it was “flagged” and deemed “hate speech”. The .MP3 version is still up, because that lives on SuperNerd’s server.
It must have been one heckuva Podcast, huh? I mean, seriously, the musloid political system uses YouTube as its main recruitment media platform, posting videos of beheadings, and the rantings and ravings of pedophile imams (but I repeat myself) calling for the wholesale slaughter of all Jews and all non-musloids. And those videos stay up, no problem. So what MUST I have said to have been banned within just a few hours??
Here’s an email from a reader/listener:
Dear Ann and SuperNerd,
Thank you for yesterday’s podcast (and of course the previous ones as well). I was not surprised, yet saddened, to see it removed from Youtube sometime during the night, most likely as somehow ‘anti-Semitic’, when in reality, it is one of the most charitable and truthful discussions on the Jews I have seen in a long time. So many these days are content to allow the Jews and others to remain steeped in their false religions, yet if we truly love their immortal souls, we should be seeking their unconditional conversion to the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there is no true social order, before it is too late. And truly, all of the evils of our time come from the lukewarmness of bad Catholics, of whom I am foremost to blame.
You also gave me some inspiration in a conversation I am currently having with some very anti-Catholic Protestants, who currently are denying that the Catholic Church gave them the Holy Bible, saying the Jews gave us the Bible, and that all the apostles were Jews. Which in a certain sense is correct but of course in error at the same time. Anyway, I now have a better angle to attack them from thanks to your discussion on how the Holy, Royal, and August Sacrifice of the Mass is a continuation of the Jewish sacrifice, perfected by the Passion and ignominous death of our Blessed Lord and Saviour on the wood of the Holy Cross.
Thank you again, God bless, and keep up the good fight!


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