Monday, June 19, 2017

Heralds of the Gospel video of excorism has demon saying "The Vatican? It is mine, mine! [The Pope] has done all I wanted, he is a fool!" Or, "He obeys me in everything." "He serves me."

After the Solemn Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica celebrating the pontifical approval
The videos uploaded by Alfonso Beccar Varela are frequently moved to other addresses as the Heralds are trying to undertake legal actions in Brazil to delete them for violating copyright laws. The images show exorcisms performed with formulas not approved by ecclesiastical authority, but above all the footage show encounters between the founder and some priests. Videoclips likely taken without the consent of the interested parties, but from which emerge elements that the Vatican authorities intend to deepen...
 The footage documented that the names of Donna Lucilia, Plinio Corrêa and Monsignor João are invoked during exorcisms as extremely powerful. To the point of being almost divinized. As we understand, there is enough matter for a due clarification, although there are those who have immediately sought to present the news of the Vatican inquiry as an act of empire of the Holy See to choke those realities closer to traditionalism...
  I interviewed Corrêa de Oliveira three times, interrogating him on the rumors of a secret cult to himself and his mother, and he always told me that it was his younger followers being excessive, but that in no way he had proposed nor approved them. He may have been guilty of lack of vigilance. But this, in my opinion, does not harm the value of his writings. " 1
 Emblem of Heralds of the Gospel
The video is a record of a reserved meeting of clerics, which did not imply any change of paths of the Heralds, either in its relationship with the Sacred Hierarchy and civil society, or in the work with the very high number of adherents to the movement. The objective of the registered encounter was, quite simply, to exchange impressions with regard to certain preternatural phenomena, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Criminal hands, yet unknown, resolved to divulge its contents in a malevolent and inappropriate way for a public that does not have, in its great majority, sufficient theological knowledge to make an in-depth judgement concerning its content. It was not difficult, therefore, to create confusion in their minds. On the other hand, these same hands took no interest, of course, in spreading the conclusions of these analyses.
Now, why did Mr. Tornielli not seek clarification with the Heralds? We could very well say: timeo hominem unius factionis, we fear men of half truths, partial individuals, those who are unable and unwilling to hear both sides.
2He publishes a long video showing Father Clá, visibly in poor health, not able to use his right hand, surrounded by a group of priests while one of them, standing next to Clá, reads from a protocol of an exorcism, a dialog between a priest and a demon. Tornielli laments that this protocol is read "without objections" of those present, but from the video there is no indication that Clà agrees with the demon.

At a point the demon says, "The Vatican? It is mine, mine! [The Pope] has done all I wanted, he is a fool!" Or, "He obeys me in everything." "He serves me." Tornielli tries hard to demonize the relaxed reaction of those present. The demon then says that "the next pope will be good", identifying Cardinal Franc Rodé (82) as Francis' successor.

Tornielli is a personal friend of Pope Francis, who often receives him. Francis' liberal views are in stark contrast with the Catholic beliefs of the Heralds of the Gospel.3

At Medugorje Our Lady has not commeted publically on Pope Francis.Though the visionaries there can ask Our Lady personal questions.They can then make the answers known.
-Lionel Andrades
Superior General of the Heralds of the Gospel presents his resignation(video)
 Mass in the Pacaembu Stadium

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