Saturday, June 3, 2017

Pakistani clerics in Poland not charged under blasphemy laws for upholding Quran

Image result for Photo of President Andrzej Duda and Pakistani muslim clerics

Islamabad High Court on Tuesday directed the government to remove blasphemous content from local social media platforms, even if it means blocking the social media entirely. IHC judge Justice Shaukat Aziz Sidiqqui went on to say that blasphemers(in Pakistan) are no less than terrorists and ordered the authorities to place names of all alleged blasphemers on Exit Control List so they cannot escape criminal proceedings.1

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has assured that no restrictions are being imposed on the social media, but it can also not be left unbridled...
He said Federal Investigation Agency has been ordered to probe the matter and so far 27 social media accounts have been identified for spreading hatred against the Army and the judiciary and uploading blasphemous content against sacred personalities. He said real identity of eight of them have been traced, while only six persons have been interviewed. He said the rest is yet to be investigated. He said neither any arrest has been made nor anyone harassed by the law enforcement agencies.2

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has turned down the request for an early hearing of the case of a Catholic mother sentenced to death for blasphemy, that her supporters and rights activists hold hard-line Islamic lobbyists responsible for.  Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar on April 26, declined a request for the hearing of the case of Asia Bibi in the first week of June made by her Muslim lawyer Saiful Malook.  ‎“Today I have been informed that the plea was declined by the CJP,” Malook is reported to have told The Express Tribune.3.
Catholics can be accused of blasphemy even if they affirm Catholic teachings like outside the Church there is no salvation.It indicates all Muslims are on the way to Hell with no known exceptions unless they convert into the Catholic Church before death. Even Vatican Council II, interpreted with rational and traditional Feeneyism which is in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Feeneyite)  would indicate Mohammad is in Hell and all Muslims are going there with no known exception.
So a Pakistani Catholic, whose marriage is not recognised by the State and who cannot hold the office of President or Chief of the Armed Forces , would be discriminated against for holding his Catholic beliefs.While Pakistani Muslim clerics, uphold these blasphemy laws which discriminate against non Muslims.They support them  with street demonstrations and violence and they are free to follow the Quran in the West, even though it blasphemes Jesus and the Catholic Church.
In a Catholic country like Poland there are no blasphemy laws imposed on Pakistani Muslim clerics who are members of the religious group Jamat e Islami, for example, which officially states that there is no  equality in religion.There could be freedom for non Muslims in Pakistan for work,travel, cultural celebrations etc,in a limited context, but there is no equality in  religion.There is no freedom of religious expression, which the Muslims have.Yet this freedom of religion, is given to Muslims in Poland, for example.It is also there in Italy.
Image result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy lawsImage result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy laws
A Pakistani Catholic cannot affirm the Catholic Faith on Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14- all need faith and baptism for salvation and so most people are on the way to Hell since they die without faith and baptism).They cannot conduct mission based on Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) as was recommended by the Salesian Cardinal Angelo Amato in an interview in the daily Avvenire.
Image result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy lawsImage result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy laws
However the Muslim cleric and his family living in Poland or Hungary is free to follow the Quran and it is not considered blasphemous against Christians.
Image result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy lawsImage result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy laws
The clerics of the Jamaat e Islami who live and operate freely in Britain for example, follow the Quran and convert Christians as part of mission(dawah).Then after this freedom is given to them by the Satanists and secularists, they  go back to Pakistan and call for the implementation of blasphemy laws against non -Muslims and also Muslims with a different theology.They do not spare the Bahais and Qadians whose religions have their roots in Islamism but they do not recognise Mohammad as the last prophet of Islam.They have other religious leaders as the last prophet in their Islamic theology.Many Qadianis are in Pakistani jails under the Blasphemy Laws.
Image result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy lawsImage result for Photo of Pakistani Catholics and Blasphemy laws
Poland is a Catholic country but its  Constitution does not uphold the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II, interpreted with Feeneyism. Instead the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Poland, like the Vatican Curia, interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS with irrational Cushingism. This is official heresy supported by the Jewish Left and the Chief Rabbinate in Israel.
Image result for Photo of Christians arrested in IsraelImage result for Photo of Christians arrested in Israel
The rabbis support the Israeli penal code, enacted in 1977, which bans Christian and Muslim missionary activity 4.
Proselytizers who use coercion or incentives may face up to five years in prison or a fine (Courrier international 29 Mar. 2007). While conversions involving adults are legal, any person found encouraging or organizing the conversion of a minor faces up to six months' imprisonment (ibid.). In March 2007, Yakov Margi, a minister of the Knesset (MK) belonging to the Shas party, proposed a bill that would punish any missionary work with a six-month to one year period of imprisonment (ibid.; Yad L'Achim 7 Mar. 2007; ibid. 1 Apr. 2008) 5
Image result for Photo of Christians arrested in IsraelImage result for Photo of Christians arrested in Israel
So Catholics in Israel  who distribute religious literature saying outside the Church there is no salvation and that all Jews need to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid th fires of Hell (AG 7, LG 14) could be put in an Israeli jail for about four years.In Pakistan it could be worse.
Image result for Photo of Christians arrested in IsraelImage result for Photo of Christians arrested in Israel
But there are no such restrictions in Poland, Hungary or Slovakia against Talmudic Jews whose religious books blasphemy Jesus and Our Lady.There are none in Italy.Instead the Italian Ministry of Education was translating the Talmud into Italian for Catholic, and other students in Italy, according to one of the rabbis here representing Israel.
Image result for Photo of Talmudic Jews blaspheming JesusImage result for Photo of Talmudic Jews blaspheming Jesus
The Jewish Left, which is pro-Satan and operates under the secularism-liberal political slogan,approves of official 'hate 'against Catholics in Italy.They encourage the Christian faith to be blasphemed in England, France, Germany, Italy.This is in line with the mind of Satan and the coming Anti Christ who will persecute all Christians.But the Christian countries do not ban the Soros,Foxmans and Rockefellers since Satan has succeeded in separating the Christians on doctrine and theology.
Image result for Photo of Talnudic Jews blaspheming  JesusImage result for Photo of Talmudic Jews blaspheming Jesus
That separation is there also within the Catholic Church when the two popes interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS with an irrational premise and so the conclusion is a rupture with Tradition. This is welcomed and enforced by Satan through those who represent him in the Left.So to affirm traditional and rational doctrine, the Polish people, for example, would have to oppose the present magisterium and their cardinals and bishops, until they are rational and Catholic once again.
They would have to tell the bishops basic things, like, "We cannot see a baptism of desire case in 2017", "There are no practical exceptions to the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in Warsaw". "St.Maximillian Kolbe did not believe that invisible cases were visible exceptions to all needing to be members of the Church", "Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyism, which is a rational theology and philosophy instead of the innovative Cushingism which is irrational" etc.
Then they should ask the Pakistani government if they would object to Catholic blasphemy laws being applied to maulanas(Muslim clerics) their families and organisations who use the Quran as a religious book, since it is blasphemous for Christians.
Countries with Catholic populations now need to clarify what is Catholic doctrine and are they willing to affirm it.Would the Catholic Church in Pakistan be willing to affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS according to Vatican Council II? Not likely today, since there is no freedom there to do so.-Lionel Andrades

MAY 31, 2017

Poland is consecrated to Christ the King but the laws are secular and pro-Satan

MAY 30, 2017

Polish President Andrzej Duda must note that Cardinal Muller is teaching false doctrine which is politically motivated

MAY 2, 2017

Catholic Church in Poland also uses the new theology of Pope Benedict, Cushingite theology: results in separation of Church and State

MAY 3, 2017

Andrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism

MAY 2, 2017

Catholic Church in Poland also uses the new theology of Pope Benedict, Cushingite theology: results in separation of Church and State

NOVEMBER 18, 2016

On Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. We need to only vote for a political party which upholds the separation of secularism and state

NOVEMBER 18, 2010


JULY 7, 2010


DECEMBER 20, 2010

DECEMBER 23, 2012

JUNE 29, 2016
What Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ will Bishop Fellay politically affirm ?

MAY 3, 2017
In January 2017- 2

January 14, 2017
Image result for Photo of ARCHBISHOP gULLICKSON 
Two popes irrational and in heresy : Archbishop Gullickson, Fr.Visintin osb correct

January 6, 2017
Bishop Athanasius Schneider could affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King and the old ecumenism without rejecting Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) : instead Bishop Fellay is asked to reconcile with Vatican Council (Cushingite) and EENS(Cushingite) which is heretical

AUGUST 29, 2016

NOVEMBER 27, 2014
Mons .Lorenzo Leuzzi is also promoting an irrational version of Vatican Council II contrary to the Social Reign of Christ the King







Pakistani clerics in Poland not charged under blasphemy laws for upholding Quran

Polish President Andrzej Duda must note that Cardinal Muller is teaching false doctrine which is politically motivated

Motion in Polish Parliament (Sejm) needed supporting the Tridentine Rite Mass

European Parliament approves Traditional Latin Mass with new ideology

Poland consecration to Christ the King : Collegiality in Vatican Council II is no more an issue when there is unity on correct doctrine

On this old ecclesiology in harmony with Vatican Council II Poland, now consecrated to Christ the King, can proclaim His Social Reign over all political legislation

The Polish Church and government could interpret magisterial documents with Feeneyism there would be the ecclesiology of the past with no salvation outside the Church in 2017

Catholic Church in Poland also uses the new theology of Pope Benedict, Cushingite theology: results in separation of Church and State

The non separation of Church and State theologically depends on Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS : 'false church' is blocking it

Two popes irrational and in heresy : Archbishop Gullickson, Fr.Visintin osb correct


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