Saturday, July 8, 2017

Deacon Edward Schaefer unable to say that all Catholics should proclaim that all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics, with no exceptions in 2017, are oriented to the fires of Hell and this is a magisterial teaching according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14)

Image result for Photo Deacon Edward Schaefer

Deacon Edward Schaefer who wants to build a traditionalist college in the USA based on the new ecclesiology and non traditional Cushingite theology is unable to say that all Catholics should proclaim that all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics, with no exceptions in 2017, are oriented to the fires of Hell and this is a magisterial teaching according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14).1

He does not interpret Vatican Council II with  Feeneyism and as a traditionalist  does not even affirm the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So the Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum will be another Catholic college in Florida with liberal theology .It  offers the Traditional Latin Mass as does other Catholic colleges.
If he affirmed Vatican Council II with Feeneyism he would be saying that that all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics, with no exceptions in 2017, are oriented to the fires of Hell and this is a magisterial teaching according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14).However this would not be approved by the diocese and he may not get accreditation. Also he may not be able to serve as Deacon in his present diocese.
When we have a Catholic college which is Feeneyite, then we will have a truly Catholic college.It will have a Catholic identity.2
I have e-mailed Deacon Schaefer reports from this blog but he does not respond.3
He himself is not willing to affirm the Catholic faith on Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS how will he teach the Catholic faith to students ?
How can the old Mass be taught with the New Theology which is heretical, irrational and non traditional?
There are the rubrics, rituals and vestments of the old Mass but the ecclesiology is innovative and modern.It is Ratzingerian.
So why call the college traditionalists when Deacon Schaefer like the traditionalists of the past, cannot say that all non Catholics are oriented to the fires of Hell, according to Vatican Council II , the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus interpreted without the irrational premise?
-Lionel Andrades


JULY 8, 2017

All Catholics should proclaim that all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics, with no exceptions in 2017, are oriented to the fires of Hell and this is a magisterial teaching according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14)


When we have a Catholic college which is Feeneyite, then we will have a truly Catholic college.It will have a Catholic identity


JUNE 18, 2017

No comment from Deacon Edward Schaefer diocese will place restrictions :only a Cushingite traditionalist college will be approved

Deacon Edward Schaefer's Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum will be another liberal Catholic college with a traditionalist veneer

Now if Chris Ferrara , Roberto dei Mattei,Bishop Robert Morlino,Fr. John Zuhlsdorf and Edward Schaefer affirm a Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS they will be persecuted. Would they be ready to do this? : Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum

 JUNE 15, 2017

Inline image 1

All Board Members of the Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum will have to accept the New Theology at the Latin Mass

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