Sunday, July 9, 2017

Engaged- to- be- maried couples should canonically challenge the German bishops and priests to accept Vatican Council ( Feeneyite) in harmony with EENS (Feeneyite)

from the blog The Eponymous Flower
Katholisches] We document here a letter from Reinhard Cardinal Max, expressly forbidding the marriages conducted by priests belonging to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.

It expresses in its reply an understanding of our concern about the "still ongoing ecclesiastical illegality of the Society of St. Pius and the situation which has not yet been clarified"...

  He explained that the decisions taken by Pope Francis in favor of the pastoral needs of believers are determined by the consideration that the Priestly Fraternity is on its way to full communion.- Cardinal Müller and Cardinal Marx Join Forces Against the SSPX in Germany 1
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Lay Catholics in Germany must canonically challenge the German bishops or call up Press Conferences saying that the German bishops like the two popes and the Vatican Curia interpret Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingite theology and reject the traditional and rational Feeneyite theology. This is 'ecclesiastical illegality'. The 'magisterium of ecclesiastics at the Vatican' opposes 'the magisterium of Vatican Council II and magisterial documents' when they interpret the Council with Cushingism.Their irrational premise makes Vatican Council II a rupture with Tradition, when the Council is really traditionalist.
Image result for Photo German Catholic couples married
The German bishops are not in full communion with the Holy Spirit, who cannot teach irrationality,falsehood and objective mistakes to  change traditional Catholic teachings.Their deception is now public. The German Cardinal Ratzinger used a false premise to create a non traditional conlusion  which he called Catholic 'doctrine' and 'the deposit of the faith'.Then he demanded that the SSPX accept this non traditional teaching to be in full  communion with the Catholic Church under his magisterium.
For Pope Benedict, the German bishops were in full communion with the Church since they accepted the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology.It was based on visible for us baptism of desire cases in 2017 supposedly being objective exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Pope Benedict confirmed all this subterfuge,in March 2017.It is  approved for the Church by liberal rabbis who sit along side cardinals and call Press Conferences.The pope said in the 2016 interview in Avvenire  that there was 'a development' of the dogma EENS with Vatican Council II.He meant Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) interpreted  with all hypothetical cases mixed up as explicit and known cases.This is his understanding of Catholic philosophy.
Now the German bishops are trying to twist the arms of lay Catholics who want to be married by SSPX priests in Germany.Future spouses should challenge the German bishops canonically. Demand that they be married by priests, who affirm Vatican Council II with rational Feeneyite theology and who do not assume that we can see people in Heaven or on earth,saved, and  who are there without faith and baptism in the Church.Instead they are saved with 'visible for us baptism of desire', as if the German bishops could know them.
Ask for German priests to marry you who interpret the Nicene Creed rationally.All of them presently interpret the Nicene Creed with irrational Cushingism which is approved by the Left and Satan.
Couples engaged to be married affirm in public Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) in harmony with EENS( Feeneyite) and the Catechism( Feeneyite).Then ask the German priests ready to marry you, to also do the same.
Lay Catholics should refuse to allow the German bishops to force them to accept heresy and mortal sins of faith and then be recognised as being 'ecclesiastically legal'.
Ask the German bishops to state formally that 'all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics, with no exceptions in 2017, are oriented to the fires of Hell and this is a magisterial teaching according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14)'  2
Lay Catholics instead should affirm this teaching of Vatican Council II in public and challenge the German bishops to do so,I repeat.If they will not do so,for ideological or whatever reasons,  accuse them of rejecting the Council ( interpreted with Feeneyism) and being  'ecclesiastically illegal'.
-Lionel Andrades


 JULY 8, 2017

All Catholics should proclaim that all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics, with no exceptions in 2017, are oriented to the fires of Hell and this is a magisterial teaching according to Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14)


Image result for Photo German Catholic couples married

JULY 6, 2017

Everything hinges on visible baptism of desire : correct the premise and change the Council

JULY 6, 2017

Church Militant TV repeats the magisterium's false propaganda on Vatican Council II which they have compromised with

JULY 6, 2017

Everything hangs on invisible for us baptism of desire : Vatican Council II changes

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 JULY 5, 2017

That the baptism of desire is invisible and not physically visible is a great secret of Cardinal Ladaria and others at the Vatican.For them this is very important information to hide

To accomodate the error of visible baptism of desire Cardinal Ratzinger changed the Profession of Faith, Oath of Fidelity and Canon Law
Image result for Photo German Catholic couples married Hamburg

JULY 5, 2017

When will the SSPX and the St.Benedict Centers simply say that there are no baptism of desire cases in our reality ?

JULY 5, 2017

We can renew our consecration to the Immaculate Heart and also affirm Feeneyite theology and reject the Cushingite one : then see the dramatic difference in Vatican Council II

Image result for Photo German Catholic couples married

 JULY 5, 2017

SSPX must ask Bishops Conferences in the USA, UK, Italy, etc to affirm Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) or not make the Council an issue for reconciliation

JULY 4, 2017

CDF asks SSPX to interpret Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism and reject traditional Feeneyism

JULY 4, 2017

FSSP priests need to interpret the Nicene Creed with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism.Bishops must be informed about the error 

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The bottom line is that we are all reciting the Nicene Creed but there are two different interpretations

JULY 3, 2017

Laity could ask the bishop to provide them with FSSP priests who do not make irrational inferences and change the meaning of the Nicene Creed

 JULY 3, 2017

FSSP church Santissima Trinita dei Pelligrini : new understanding of Nicene Creed

JULY 2, 2017

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.j made factual errors in two ITC theological papers which were politically correct

JULY 1, 2017

Solemn Tridentine Rite Mass tomorrow with manifest sacrilege

Image result for Photo German Catholic couples marriedImage result for Photo German Catholic couples married

JUNE 30, 2017

Tridentine Rite Mass in Rome is a sacrilege : needs to be challenged canonically

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JUNE 30, 2017

No priest in Rome will give his telephone number


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