Monday, August 21, 2017

Appeal For Prisoners in Manila : Medjugorje International Relief

Appeal For Prisoners in Manila
A friend of ours who works as a volunteer with CARITAS visiting the holding cells of a Police Station; (where there can be up to 150 prisoners at a time in a space about the size of your living room) has asked for some help. Because of the war on drugs, the number of prisoners has swelled dramatically as has the length of time to process them and take them for trial or prisons. The overcrowding coupled with heat, poor ventilation and lack of water has led to many deaths from dehydration and suffocation in recent months. Diarrhea is a contributing factor as is a lack of water supply. Infections and skin diseases are also widespread. Prisoners are the bottom rung of society here and there are no resources for them.

The CARITAS group is permitted to visit once a week and they bring the prisoners food and pray with them. Occasionally people give money for water and basic medicines to treat the prisoners as best they can. The cost of a weekly 'first aid kit' consisting of things like:- Iodine/ antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide for cleaning wounds, plasters, cotton balls, diatabs and other simple medicines would be about £8-10 a week. Perhaps another couple of  pounds for a container of purified water.

We are appealing for a prayer group or family to come up with that amount per week to help these prisoners. It could really be life and death for them. So regardless of what they have done to get there please consider helping. ...Address and bank details below .. Phone:-0161-881-5664... 
By bank transfer to our account:
Account Name:     Manchester Medjugorje Appeal
Sort code                 01-01-97
Account No :           31147658
Nat West Bank,
Chorlton- cum- Hardy Branch,
438 Barlow Moor Rd,
Chorlton -Cum- Hardy
M21 0NW
Or send Cheques payable to Manchester Medjugorje Appeal
Medjugorje International Relief
c/o 13 Erlington Ave
Old Trafford
M16 0FN
Tel: 0161-881-5664

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