Sunday, August 27, 2017

CDF Prefects do not know their job : Lefebvre and Feeney's excommunication was a mistake

Image result for Photo Pope Francis and Amoris Laetitia
I wrote in a blog post yesterday that as Pope Francis assumes in Amoris Laetitia that we humans can judge who among those in manifest mortal sin are not going to Hell and can be given the Eucharist in the same way Pope Paul VI at Vatican Council II assumed that we humans can judge who will be saved or who are saved with invisible for us baptism of desire (BOD),baptism of blood (BOB) and invincible ignorance (I.I) and so were visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).Both made a mistake.
Only God would know if there are any exceptions to the rule.
Someone who is living in adultery is living in sin and someone who is outside the Catholic Church is living with Original Sin and mortal sin committed in that state with no access to the Sacraments of the Church and its moral and faith teachings. 1
Image result for Photos violating the Principle of Non ContradictionImage result for Photos violating the Principle of Non Contradiction

For Cardinal Gerhard Muller invisible for us BOD, BOB and I.I referred to visible exceptions to EENS.He did not correct this error coming from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.This was the reasoning of Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston at Vatican Council II where he was active with the Jesuits.Since invisible people saved in invincible ignorance were visible for him Lumen Gentium 14 is a break with the dogma EENS. In a 2012 interview with Edward Pentin for the National Catholic Register Cardinal Muller said that there was 'a development' of the dogma EENS with Vatican Council II.He said  The Second Vatican Council also said this: Lumen Gentium 14 says: “Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved.” 2 He means someone in invincible ignorance can be saved or has been saved who was and is outside the Church and is known to us in specific cases. For him invisible cases of I.I are visible exceptions to EENS so every one does not need to enter the Church as it was traditionally taught, those who are in invincible ignorance are exceptions.
Edward Pentin
He further clarifies his error for Pentin.He  states that ' who is aware of the presence of Revelation is obliged by his conscience to belong publicly — and not only in his conscience, in his heart — to this Catholic Church by remaining in communion with the Pope and those bishops in communion with him'.So if there is the man in ignorance in the tribal forest he is not obliged to enter the Church formally to avoid damnation. He will be saved in his ignorance. This is how Jesus will judge, according to Cardinal Muller.
Related imageImage result for Photos  Catholic missionaries.Image result for Photos  Catholic missionaries.
 Image result for Photos  Catholic missionaries.Image result for Photos  Catholic missionaries.
In the past the man in the forest in ignorance would be on the way to Hell.This was the interpretation of the 16th century  magisterium and the martrys.
Image result for Photos Catholic martyrsImage result for Photos Catholic martyrsImage result for Photos Catholic martyrsImage result for Photos Catholic martyrs
Now since there are known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance for Cardinal Muller, EENS is no more like it was.He violated the Principle of Non Contradiction  and Edward Pentin did not notice it.
Image result for Photos <Nicene CreedImage result for Photos  Cardinal Muller

So even the Nicene Creed has been changed for Cardinal Muller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF). Since invisible people are visible it has become , 'I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins and they exclude the baptism of water, they are the baptism of desire, blood, invincible ignorance...'.
This is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II and none of the CDF Prefects like Muller have corrected the error. 
Muller says ' those who resist membership in the Church, knowing her for what she is, cannot be saved.'  (Lumen Gentium 14). But we cannot  know who knows or does not know and will be saved accordingly.So why had they to mention this is in Vatican Council ? This is not an exception to the dogma EENS.
Image result for Photos  Fr.Leonard FeeneyImage result for Photos  Fr.Leonard Feeney
This was the error upheld by the Archbishop of Boston in 1949 in the Fr.Leonard Feeney case and then in 1960-65 at Vatican Council II.It was supported knowing or unknowingly by Pope Pius XII and then even Cardinal Ottaviani.Rome supported Cushingism i.e there are known exceptions to the dogma EENS. Anyway at the practical level today Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) says all need 'faith and baptism for salvation and we do not know any one in 2017 who will be saved in invincible ignorance and without faith and baptism.There are no objective cases in 2017.
So the line '' knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved' was a mistake.3 It should not have been placed in Vatican Council II. It is confusing and superflous. It is dead-wood which has come from the magisterium's violating the Principle of Non Contradiction in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office.It refers to a theoretical, hypothetical possibility known only to God. It would also have to be followed with the baptism of water since this is the dogmatic teaching on salvation and baptism.
Rationally, we know Vatican Council II does not contradict the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.LG 14 does not contradict the dogma EENS as it was interpreted before Rahner and Ratzinger were born.There is nothing in LG 14 to contradict Feeneyite EENS.Muller made a mistake.Those who know or do not know and who are saved or not saved are unknown to us human beings in 2017.
Similarly Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and the now Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J in Christianity and the World Religions, International Theological Commission (1997) made the same mistake as Muller in the interview with Pentin.4

Ratzinger and Ladaria state that EENS is no longer defended by Catholic theologians (and the two of them) after the clear statements of Pius XII and Vatican Council II on the possibility of salvation for those who do not belong visibly to the Church (e.g., LG 16; GS 22).In other words 'possibilities' of salvation mentioned in Lumen Gentium 16( being saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water) are known exceptions in the present times.A theoretical possibility is an actual living example of salvation outside the Church.This comes from one who said faith and reason are not in a split.
So for Cardinal Ratzinger and the then Fr. Luiz Ladaria S.j in this ITC paper a possibility is considered an exception to the teaching on all needing to enter the Church to avoid Hell with no exceptions.
 Similarly for Ratzinger and Ladaria, officials at the ITC in 1997, Gaudium et Specs is an exception to the dogma EENS.For both of them thre were personally known cases in Heaven, of people who have been saved, since they were 'men of good will in whose hearts grace works in an unseen way', and in these known people relevant to EENS,  'the Holy Spirit in a manner known only to God offers to every man the possibility of being associated with this paschal mystery'.Again hypothetical,invisible people are concrete and visible exceptions to traditional EENS in 1997 and 2017 for Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the CDF who approved this ITC paper along with ecclesiastical Masonry.
Ratzinger, Muller, Ladaria have been interpreting possibilities and hypothetical cases as being concrete exceptions to the dogma EENS which they have rejected.
Cardinal Ratzinger did not tell Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  that without this false premise (invisible people are visible) Vatican Council II was a not a rupture with EENS. 
Image result for Archbishop Lefebvre
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was rejecting Vatican Council II with the false premise.He was correct.The Council interpreted with the false premise was producing a non traditional and false conclusion which was a rupture with EENS as it was interpreted over the centuries.
Cardinal Ratzinger was either not aware of the mistake or he was aware of the theological and doctrinal mistake the magisterium was making but did not want to correct it. Instead he excommunicated Archbishiop Lefebvre when he consecrated the four bishops of the SSPX.
The CDF Prefects do not know their job. The pattern continues today.We are up against magisterial heresy.5
-Lionel Andrades


Image result for Photo Pope Paul VI at Vatican Council II first Mass
Pope Paul VI made a mistake in Vatican Council II : error repeated in Amoris Laetitia


hat has been discussed, but here, too, there has been a development of all that was said in the Church, beginning with St. Cyprian, one of the Fathers of the Church, in the third century. Again, the perspective is different between then and now. In the third century, some Christian groups wanted to be outside the Church, and what St. Cyprian said is that without the Church a Christian cannot be savedThe Second Vatican Council also said this: Lumen Gentium 14 says: “Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved.” He who is aware of the presence of Revelation is obliged by his conscience to belong publicly — and not only in his conscience, in his heart — to this Catholic Church by remaining in communion with the Pope and those bishops in communion with him.

But we cannot say that those who are inculpably ignorant of this truth are necessarily condemned for that reason. We must hope that those who do not belong to the Church through no fault of their own, but who follow the dictates of their God-given conscience, will be saved by Jesus Christ whom they do not yet know. Every person has the right to act according to his or her own conscience. - Cardinal Gerhard Muller (10/02/2012 ). Archbishop Gerhard Müller: 'The Church Is Not a Fortress', National Catholic Register


 APRIL 6, 2016

Lumen Gentium was written assuming 'there are known cases of known salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church'! In this way there was a change in ecclesiology : Magisterial heresy

10. Exclusivist ecclesiocentrism—the fruit of a specific theological system or of a mistaken understanding of the phrase extra ecclesiam nulla salus—is no longer defended by Catholic theologians after the clear statements of Pius XII and Vatican Council II on the possibility of salvation for those who do not belong visibly to the Church (cf, e.g., LG 16; GS 22).-International Theological Commission, Christianity and the World Religions 1997.
 MARCH 27, 2012The International Theological Commission's position paper Christianity and the World Religions 1997 has an objective factual error and is approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger : invincible ignorance is not an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

The Magisterial Heresy -1
Magisterial Heresy -2
The Magisterial Heresy - 3

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King
 Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II


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