Saturday, August 19, 2017

Minim Fathers being intimidated at St. Andrea della Fratte, Rome

Image result for Photo  St Andrea della fRatte
The Minim Fathers of St. Francis of Paola are being intimidated.They have to support a syncretistic inter faith meeting in January 2018 or be suspended.Any Minim Father who affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) will be suspended.This would also apply to any other priest or nun in Italy.
Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte
Similarly they are not allowed to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise. Otherwise Anti-Semitic laws could be applied against them.Now they have to smile through an inter faith prayer vigil as if the Jewish and Muslim participants are not going to Hell and all religions are equal paths to salvation.
The Minims formerly a mendicant order of friars and missionaries who led a hermetical and austere life oversee the church of St. Andrea della Fratte near Piazza Spagna.Here the Jewish financier,atheist and liberal, Alphonse Ratisbonne had a mystical experience.It changed his life. The church now  celebrates the 175th anniversary of Ratisbonne conversion in 1842 after Our Lady appeared to him in an image similar to that of the Miraculous Medal which he was wearing for less than a month.
Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatteImage result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte
He became a priest and then a missionary.He knew that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they formally enter the Catholic Church and live its teachings.Our Lady showed him the beauty of the Catholic Church and its necessity for salvation.
Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatteImage result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte
Now when the Minim Fathers, the Curia General, at San Andrea della Fratte would be asked why do they not affirm the dogma EENS like St. Francis of Paula and Alphonse Ratisbonne they would respond vaguely about Vatican Council II changing all that.This is false.They are really being intimidated by an an Anti Catholic political system.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.
Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatteImage result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte
The Minim Fathers like the Vicariate in Rome have to interpret Vatican Council II's  LG 16, LG 8, LG 14, UR 3, NA 2, AG 11, AG 7, GS 22 etc as referring to personally known and visible people saved outside the Church, in the present times.When really they refer to hypothetical and invisible people, who would be known only to God.So with this irrationality( invisible people are visible exceptions to EENS) and deception( Vatican Council II says LG 16 etc refer to visible people outside the Church )they wrongly teach that there is known salvation outside the Church and the dogma EENS has been made obsolete.
Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatteImage result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte
If the Minim Fathers simply accept LG 16 etc as referring to hypothetical cases which could never be exceptions to EENS in the past or present, the Vicariate and Vatican, on behalf of the political Left will come swooping down on them for being rational, traditional and honest.The Jewish rabbis will demand that the Vatican suspend them for being Catholic but Anti-Semitic.Otherwise the Vatican itself will be threathened.

imageImage result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte

So the intimidated priests and nuns do not teach the correct faith on Vatican Council II or the dogma EENS.They have to even change the understanding of the Nicene Creed to stay as religious in good standing with the Church and the Left.They now have to organise and attend an inter faith meeting at which the new auxiliary bishop of Rome (Central) will be present.
Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatteImage result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della fRatte
The Fatima Center, Rome  could hold an event to mark the day.They could hand out educational material explaining Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) to local Catholics since this cannot be taught by the Sisters, to First Communicants at St. Andrea Fratte and other churches in the area.-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 18, 2017

Syncretistic prayer vigil to conclude 175th anniversay of Our Lady's apparition to Alphonse Ratisbonne

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