Friday, August 25, 2017

So many useless museums, galleries with bad art could house Christian refugees in Rome

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The daily Avvenire,the Italian Bishops Conference newspaper has become a Left wing rag.There are full page photos of Enzo Bianchi ( Monastero di Bose) and now they have begum a new column with interviews of refugees who have not been given naturalized citizenship.

Image result for photos praying the rosary outside Rome's hospitalsImage result for photos praying the rosary outside Rome's hospitals

There are no interviews or photos of the women who line up in a long queue from early in the morning at some of the hospitals in Rome to have an abortion.Yes abortions are done in Italy.
Lazio regional governor Nicola Zingaretti defended the terms of the gynaecologist job description issues by the San Camillo hospital in Rome. Photograph: Elisabetta A Villa/Getty ImagesImage result for photos praying the rosary outside Rome's hospitals
There are long lines of women waiting to legally abort their babies and no one at Avvenire reports on it with a regular column.Neither do the parishes go there and pray the rosary.Pope Francis does not tell Catholics to go in front of these hospitals and pray the rosary.He visited a hospital where abortions are done in Rome( see photo) and did not condemn the abortions done there.
Image result for photos praying the rosary outside Rome's hospitalsImage result for photos praying the rosary outside Rome's hospitalsImage result for photos praying the rosary outside Rome's hospitals
There are no parish or diocesan groups outside the hospitals in Rome praying the rosary and no reports on Avvenire about this.While the newspaper supports the invasion of Italy by young non Catholic bachelors supported by Soros, Rothschild and other globalists.
Ex Catholic Avvenire is working for the new world order and one world religion  with a false image of Jesus and the Church and in which the Eucharist will lose its present Catholic understanding.It is working for the Left which is of Satan.
roma migranti rifugiatiSgombero migranti, la carezza del poliziotto durante gli scontri
For the last four days hundreds of Ethiopian and Eritian Christians with valid documents, have been sleeping on the roads and at Piazza Independenza near Termini, Rome.They were evacuated from one of the formerly vacant buildings.They do not have a place to stay and the Administration does not have a solution yet.
Image result for photos Palazzo Venezia art
There are so many useless museums in Rome. There are galleries with bad art which also have potential space for refugees, example Palazzo Venezia and Castel San Angelo.-Lionel Andrades

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