Friday, September 1, 2017

Catholic professors of philosophy and theology admit the Magisterium made a mistake but do not want to say so in public : Philosophical mistake is also there in the text of Vatican Council II

Catholic professors of philosophy and theology in Rome and abroad are denying the Catholic Faith even after being informed.They will admit that invisible baptism of desire is not a visible exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) but will not say in public that the Holy Office 1949 made a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case and Vatican Council II is not a rupture with EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the rest of Tradition.They will not say in public that Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and non traditional conclusion.Pope Benedict was really promoting the hermeneutic of rupture.
I am the only one, as a lay man saying this after having discovered the error of the invisible baptism of desire being a visible exception to traditional EENS.The professors agree that this is a mistake of the Magisterium but do not want to elaborate .
Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photo of bad philosophy
August 31, 2017

JANUARY 4, 2017

Professors of Philosophy at the pontifical universities in Rome are still refusing to answer simple philosophical questions

DECEMBER 13, 2016


December 14, 2016

Catholic professors in Rome now tell lies : pontifical universities don't want to be quoted on a philosophical subject

DECEMBER 26, 2016

The Council Fathers at Vatican Council II, according to the text of the Council, wrongly assumed hypothetical cases were not hypothetical

DECEMBER 24, 2016

In Dominus Iesus Cardinal Ratzinger repeats mistakes of Redemptoris Missio :irrational philosophy creates non traditional theology (Gloria tv)
DECEMBER 23, 2016
Catholics cannot believe that Cardinal Ratzinger made a major mistake
Cardinal Ratzinger made an objective mistake in Redemptoris Missio

Card.Ratzinger's error in the ITC papers is also there in Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus

Cardinal Ratzinger 's work : a rupture between faith and reason

Magisterium in rebellion

It's un- precedented in over 50 years. All the reports on Vatican Council II have not reported on this.Philosophical error runs through the Council text

DECEMBER 18, 2016

When I meet a non Catholic on the streets I know he is on the way to Hell since he could not be in the subsist it or know or did not know about Jesus and the Church category

When I meet a non Catholic on the streets I know he is on the way to Hell since the Catholic Church teaches this : this would be news for many Catholics

Objective philosophical mistakes in Vatican Council II :bishops, do not respond to philosophical questions : Cardinal Pell will not answer two questions


Traditionalists too unaware of major philosophical mistake : many errors in Vatican Council II

Too many mistakes in Vatican Council II

Vatican Council II riddled with philosphical error : two popes in principle support objective error in text


DECEMBER 11, 2016

Priest confirms philosophical error : Lefebvre excommunication a mistake.

The source of the present Arian-like heresy throughout the Church is a philosophy which interprets invisible persons as being visible and so a non traditional conclusion is created

DECEMBER 10, 2016

The present magisterium has made a major philosophical mistake

DECEMBER 7, 2016
Ecclesia Dei has approved the Tridentine Rite Mass but only with the new ecclesiology in 2017 : Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage
There is a mistake in Vatican Council II and once the error is identified and avoided, the interpretation of the Council radically changes.There is no 'spirit of Vatican Council II ' excuse anymore

NOVEMBER 29, 2016
So it is only by using an irrationality that the present magisterium can re-interpret magisterial documents and say Vatican Council II indicates all Jews and Muslims in Italy do not need to convert into the Catholic Church in 2016

Catholic professors of philosophy and theology admit the Magisterium made a mistake but do not …
Catholic professors of philosophy and theology in Rome and abroad are denying the Catholic Faith even after being informed.They will admit that invisible baptism of desire is not a visible exception …


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