Friday, September 8, 2017

Even the liberals and Masons say there is no salvation outside the Church and mean something else : Michael Voris is theologically saying the same

And what are the basics? This simple starting point is the Catholic Church is the One True Faith, and there is no salvation outside this Church because it was established by the Son of God. This single starting point renders all other religions false and incapable of saving you.-Michael Voris 
Even the liberals and Masons say that there is no salvation outside the Church and everyone must be a member of the Church for salvation except for those in invincible ignorance(I.I), the baptism of desire(BOD) and baptism of blood(BOB).Michael Voris is theologically saying the same thing.This is really heresy. It does not seem so since it is magisterial and is a view held by most Catholics. 
Michael Voris also says that 'God is not bound to the Sacraments'(CCC 1257) in this Vortex. So there are exceptions.Every one in 2017 does not need to enter the Church, there is known salvation outside the Church.
Image result for Photo Fr.Leonard FeeneyImage result for Photo Fr.Leonard Feeney
Michael Voris does not hold the Feeneyite position which says every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation and there are no known exceptions, BOD, BOB and I.I are not known cases in our reality.
Michael Voris wants to be faithful to the magisterium of the two popes and also that of the magisterium of the past.He comes across irrational and confused.
Image result for Photo Fr.Leonard FeeneyImage result for Photo Fr.Leonard Feeney
If he held the Feeneyite position on no salvation outside the Church then he could interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the dogma on no salvation outside the Church(Council of Florence 1441). It would also be in harmony with Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II(All need faith and baptism for salvation). Presently his magisterial interpretation is a rupture with the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.Since for him hypothetical cases mentioned in Vatican Council II, like the Catechism's 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'(1257) refer to known cases saved outside the Church for him.Otherwise why mention it?
Image result for Photo Nicene Creed
So the Nicene Creed for him is not 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' but 'I believe in three or more baptisms,they are  desire, blood, ignorance etc , all without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church'.This is heresy but it is also magisterial.
He cannot help the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) ask for canonical status by affirming Vatican Council II with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical. He himself does not interpret Vatican Council II with hypothetical cases being hypothetical.
Image result for Photo Society of St. Pius XImage result for Photo Society of St. Pius X
He has accepted the two popes' false and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.Now he is selling it to others.
Image result for Photo Rector and professors of the Detroit Major SeminaryImage result for Photo Ralph Martin and Robert Fastiggi  Detroit Major SeminaryImage result for Photo Robert Fastiggi  Detroit Major Seminary
He knows that the Rector and professors of theology and philosophy at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, are making a philosophical error in the interpretation of magisterial documents. He cannot correct them. Since he makes the same error and it is magisterial. The Catholic professors there also know that it is a mistake but it is magisterial and they need their teaching jobs and other responsibilities.
So now when the Masons and liberals say outside the Church there is no salvation it is no big deal.They mean the same thing as Michael Voris.
Image result for Photo Robert Fastiggi  Detroit Major Seminary
The professors at the Major Seminary in Detroit would quickly clarify that they are not Feeneyites, the political Left would do the same,so would Michael.

This single starting point renders all other religions false and incapable of saving you

Other religions are false and incapable of saving it's followers but there could be exceptions of salvation outside the Church among them for Michael Voris.So also for the liberals. So they state that every one does not need to be a card carrying member of the Church for salvation. In another program a few years back Michael Voris has said the same thing.
There could be people saved with BOD, BOB and I.I or since God is not limited to the Sacraments is the understanding for all of them, as it was for Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.-Lionel Andrades


Image result for Logo Michael Voris

Practically, in real life God is bound to the Sacraments for salvation.Without the Sacraments there is no salvation


 SEPTEMBER 8, 2017

The Catholic Church teaches that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell, with no known exceptions, unless they become members of the Church, this is not a personal opinion only

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