Monday, September 11, 2017



by Juliana Freitag  •  •  September 6, 2017    

Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando on crusade to censor 'homophobic' speech

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Italy's Minister of Justice is making pro-gay ideology a priority. Andrea Orlando recently gave an interview to newspaper Corriere della Sera where he expressed concerns over all the "hate speech" against gays daily spewed online. Upholding the decision of Italy's president of the Chamber of Deputies, feminist deputy Laura Boldrini — who recently decided to take legal action against her online haters — the minister defined Boldrini's move as "sacrosanct." 
Following last year's move from the European Commission, which created a code of conduct to control "illegal hate speech" on the internet (with the co-operation of Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube), Orlando decided to gather together several associations in Italy to tackle the problem internally.
"[T]he substratum of hate propaganda is formed by black legends that aim to discredit sexual, religious, ethnic, cultural or sexual minorities ... [T]his is the aspect that I'm interested in," the minister declared.
So, the experts of minority lobbying were summoned to counter what seems to be the most important law enforcement emergency in Italy: frustrated citizens venting on the internet — more important than the rampant wave of rape committed by African and Arab men, or the Islamic net in the country that covers up for terrorists, or the fact that Italian NGOs are treacherously smuggling people into Europe. The priority now it seems is to prevent people from declaring that two men can't have a baby for the sake of civilization. 
Among the 51 associations chosen to join what has predictably been coined the "Ministry of Truth" (in reference to the dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell), the only two Catholic associations in the list are the Foundation Centre Astalli (the Jesuit Service for Refugees in Italy) and the Community of Sant' Egidio, an entity officially connected to the United Nations and which has always sided with left-wing politics (their spiritual guide is co-founder Abp. Vincenzo Paglia, who has overseen the appointment of pro-abortion, pro-contraception members to the Pontifical Council for Life). 
Some of the other organisations are: Amnesty International, Unar (The National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office — caught last February assigning public funds to a LGBT association who served as a facade for a net of male prostitution), socialist non-profit Arci, Ucoi (Italian Union of Islamic Communities, ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood), CII (Italian Islamic Confederation), COREIS (Italian Religious Islamic Community), CIR (Italian Council for Refugees) and ACSIM (Association Centre Services for Migrants in the Marche Region). Obviously, the great democracy martyrs of our time, the almighty LGBT organizations were also called to the task: A total of seven gay groups are included in the commission. Not surprisingly, many in this list receive funds from the Open Society Foundation, founded by globalist billionaire George Soros. 
Not only are these lobbies skilled censors, most of them, contrasting with the "tolerance" they constantly demand, are very experienced when it comes to spreading hate. ArciLesbica (the largest Italian association for feminist lesbians) recently attracted the fury of their own fellows in Arcigay (Italy's first and largest gay association) for arguing against surrogacy, currently illegal in Italy and the dearest political battle of the gay rights front in the Italian Democratic Party. A quick search on Facebook is enough to see them exchanging insults they'd happily put Christians in jail for.
Recently, a Muslim cultural mediator for an Italian cooperative responsible for the reception of migrants declared on Facebook that women enjoyed rape. For years now, the profiles of Catholic journalists and pro-life groups have been the target of the most abominable death threats from some of these who are now the new "guardians" of social media. Arcigay's current cover photo on its official  Facebook page is a banner for their crowdfunding to sustain a lawsuit against Massimo Gandolfini, the Catholic neurosurgeon who founded the Catholic lay committee Difendiamo I nostri figli, and whose restless fight against gender ideology is offensive to LGBT activists. The newspaper La Verità, the only Italian daily that provided thorough reports of Orlando's maneuver, wondered if these associations will be watching and reporting on one another or if they will unite against the common enemy: the Catholic Church. And we all know the answer to that. 

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Juliana Freitag

Juliana Freitag is Church Militant's Italian correspondent.

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