Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Medjugorje Message, September 2, 2017 [O] - Apparitions to Mirjana

Latest Medjugorje Message, September 2, 2017 [O] - Apparitions to Mirjana

Mirjana during an apparition
Dear children, who can best speak to me of my Son's love and sorrow? I lived with him, I endured with him, living earthly life, I felt pain because I was a mother. My Son loved the thoughts and works of Heavenly Father, the true God, and as he told me he came to redeem you. I have hidden my pain with love. You, my children, have many questions, do not understand the pain, do not understand that through the love of God you must accept the pain and bear it. All people will try it to a lesser or greater degree, but faced with peace in the heart and in the state of grace there is hope. This is my Son, God, born of God. His words are seed of eternal life and sown in good souls bring much fruit. My Son has brought the pain because he has taken away your sins. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, you who bear, know that your sorrow will become light and glory. My children, as you bear the pain, while you suffer the Heaven enters you, and you, to all those around you give a little heaven and hope. Thank you. 

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