Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Our Lady of Revelation and the Newly Published Diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola

Unveiling the ApocalypseUnveiling the Apocalyspefrom Unveiling the Apocalypse

Our Lady of Revelation and the Newly Published Diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola

It has only been just over two weeks since the occurrence of the Great American Eclipse at the start of St. Michael's Lent, and we have already experienced a whole plethora of foreboding events. First we had the earthquake at Ischia occurring just nine minutes after the eclipse ended on US soil, which just so happens to be the site of alleged Marian apparitions which foretell the destruction of New York City in conjunction with visions of volcanic eruptions and an entire island sinking into the sea. This earthquake destroyed the Church of St. Michael (known locally as the "Church of Purgatory"), which was right next to the alleged apparition site at Zaro in Ischia. Four days later, we had the destruction wrought by Hurricane Harvey, which was the most powerful hurricane in a decade to strike the American coast. This was followed in quick succession by North Korea's hydrogen bomb test on Sept 4th, amidst several other provocations, accompanied by a threat of an EMP attack made by its leader Kim Jong-un. Since 2nd Sept, there has been an ongoing earthquake swarm in Idaho centred on Soda Springs - a location immediately adjacent to the path of totality, and just south of the caldera of the Yellowstone supervolcano. The largest earthquake measured here was 5.3 on the Richer scale, and there are concerns of a larger quake to come. Now we have the threat of Hurricane Irma bearing down on the coast of Florida which is currently Category 5, followed by other potential threats from Hurricane Jose and Hurricane Katia.

While all of this has been taking place on the ground, the night skies have been illuminated by another occurrence of the Northern Lights, following a powerful geomagnetic storm on 6th September, 2017. It is a well-known fact that Sr. Lucia had linked the Great Aurora of 1938 with Our Lady's words in the Second Secret, concerning the beginning of World War II:

"When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father."

Scanning through the various reactions on social media, the dramatic uptick of significant events that has already taken place since the eclipse and the start of St. Michael's Lent has not went by unnoticed. In the post The Sign of Jonah and the Unbinding of Satan, we had already noted that it was a chain of catastrophic events centred around the timing of a total solar eclipse over the site of ancient Nineveh that had ripened the inhabitants' receptiveness to the words of the Prophet Jonah, causing them to repent en masse. In light of this combination of recent events, the idea that America has entered into a 40-day period of trial from the date of the eclipse to the feast of Yom Kippur/Michaelmas now no longer seems so far-fetched.

As a result of recent events concerning the timing of the Great American Eclipse and the earthquake at Ischia, I have recently returned to researching the apparition of Our Lady of Revelation to Bruno Cornacchiola in 1947, which figures prominently in the alleged apparitions at Zaro, Ischia. Upon doing so, I have discovered that the private diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola were published for the first time last year in a book called Il Veggente: Il Segreto della Tre Fontane, by the Italian journalist Saverio Gaeta (Salani, 2016). This work has yet to be translated into English, but it has already generated some intense interest in the Italian media. In his review of this book for Vatican Insider here, Andrea Torneilli highlights the following important passage from Bruno's diary - a personal journal which he was apparently instructed to keep by Our Lady herself:

"From the east a strong people, far away from God, will strike a tremendous attack, and break the sacred and sacred things."

Judging from Torneilli's review, it is difficult to determine whether if the above passage from Bruno Cornacchiola's diaries refers to the events of 9/11, or some other future event. While Torneilli notes that Our Lady of Revelation made repeated appearances to Bruno after the initial apparition in 1947, and that the attacks on the World Trade Center were among the events prophesied, it is unclear if it is the above words of Our Lady that have been interpreted as a reference to 9/11 itself, or if it concerns another event yet to happen. Without knowing the full background context, it is tempting to see a possible connection here with the current threat stemming from North Korea.

Although the apparition of Our Lady of Revelation at Tre Fontane has yet to receive full formal approval, it is widely recognized as authentic by several influential figures within the Church, including Pope Pius XII, and Pope St. John Paul II, who renamed the shrine at Tre Fontane "St. Mary of the Third Millennium at the Three Fountains" in 1997. The devotion to Our Lady of Revelation is itself actively encouraged by the Church, and overall, its status is comparable in scope to the apparition of Our Lady of Knock. It is beyond the scope of this article to go into the full details of the events behind the apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Tre Fontane. If anyone needs further details, there is plenty of other literature dealing with this subject elsewhere, such as this detailed article here at the Theotokos website. It should suffice to state that the Blessed Mother appeared to Bruno Cornacchiola in order to prevent him from assassinating Pope Pius XII. The fact that the Blessed Virgin chose the site of Tre Fontane in order to intervene in Bruno's assassination attempt is highly symbolic in itself, as this was the location of the martyrdom of St. Paul, whose death along with that of St. Peter during the Neroian persecution, foreshadows the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses during the final Passover of the Church under the Antichrist.

The diaries contain various other intriguing prophecies made by Our Lady of Revelation, which as we will dissect in more detail in a future post, are incredibly similar to the words of Sr. Lucia concerning the state of the Church during her interview with Fr. Fuentes, which in turn can be compared to the prophecies of St. Hildgard of Bingen. For now, one of the most striking aspects of this previously unpublished portion of the messages given to Bruno Cornacchiola, is the fact that they confirm my hypothesis concerning the current age of the Church being equated with the period of the unbinding of Satan at the end of the Millennium in Rev 20.

"The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in particular among the Orders of poverty: a moral trial, a spiritual trial. For the time indicated in the heavenly books, priests and faithful will be placed at a perilous turning-point in the world of the lost, which will rush to the assault with whichever means: false ideologies and theologies! Supplication from both parts, the faithful and the unfaithful, will be made according to the trials. I, among you the elect, with Christ as Our Captain, will fight for you […] The wrath of Satan is no longer restrained; the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the earth, the Church will be left a widow, behold the funeral drape, She will be left to the mercy of the world. Children, become saints and sanctify yourselves more, always love each other. […] Marshal yourselves under the banner of Christ. Working in this way, you will see the fruits of victory in the awakening of consciences to the good; despite being in evil, you will see, through your cooperative and efficacious help, sinners converted and the Fold filled up with saved souls."
(The Virgin of the Revelation to Bruno Cornacchiola, the 12th of April at the Tre Fontane. Trans. by Francesca Romana at Rorate Caeli, here. Originally found in Gaeta, S. Il Veggente: Il Segreto della Tre Fontane, pp81-86)

This mention of the wrath of the Devil no longer being restrained, made by Our Lady in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, is further confirmation that the prophetic vision of Pope Leo XIII is indeed related the short time of Satan described in Rev 20.

There are various other interesting bits of information which can be gleaned from Torneilli's review in Vatican Insider. Below is a rough translation of an extract of the book covered by Torneilli:

Several years later, on 26 January 1996, other references to threats against the Vatican: "How many dreams do you have? This night I saw St. Peter's Basilica, go on fire, and I said, 'Why is it being burned? A voice says, 'It is purifying fire to make it understand that it is the only force of life and love and it is not understood; God purifies everything in order to make everyone understand the way of truth for life. " Dear Mother, you were that voice, I recognized it. " On, March 3, 2000, in the Great Jubilee, in one of the last messages (he would die the following year) - Cornacchiola writes: "Today I had a very bad vision that made me cry. I saw a lot of blood flowing in St. Peter's, all out with the staircases and columns around and the two fountains. Well, I saw the blood drain and [shouts of?]: 'Death to the leaders!' I had a bad feeling for the Pope and others."

There is an extraordinary parallel in this vision of an attack on St. Peter's Basilica to one of the most noteworthy of the messages to emanate from the alleged apparitions at Ischia, made some time before the details found in these diaries came to light; or indeed before the current division in the Church became so pronounced.

"Pray a lot for Pope Francis, hard times await him..."

"My daughter, there will be in St. Peter's a serious and tremendous division: see the walls are stained with blood, the blood of the martyrs; there will be an uproar. If you do not pray, all of this will happen very soon.

"The dome of St. Peter's was full of smoke. Peoples in turmoil gathered in St. Peter's, people in riot. There were races that clashed with each other. It was dark, there was no light, many fought and many were lying on the ground lifeless. The dragon passed among the corpses and laughed; He was very happy. People were trying to talk to each other, but they don't understand each other. The earth was shaking, trembling all over
(Message to Angela, 26th June, 2014)

These words are all the more chilling in light of the recent call to arms against the Vatican issued by ISIS in late August...

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