Saturday, September 30, 2017

Philosophical subjectivism in morals and salvation supported by Pope Francis : Amoris Laetitia negates St.Thomas

Pope Francis speaks during a meeting with Jesuits and laypeople associated with Jesuit institutions in Cartagena, Colombia, Sept. 10. While replying to questions, the pope said that seeking to understand people's real lives does not "bastardize" theology. (CNS/courtesy La Civilta Cattolica)
Pope Francis says: 1
To those who maintain that the morality underlying the document is not “a Catholic morality” or a morality that can be certain or sure, “I want to repeat clearly that the morality of ‘Amoris Laetitia’ is Thomist,” that is, built on the moral philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, he said

.Lionel: False it is not Thomist.Instead it is a negation of the morality of St.Thomas Aquinas and St. Alphonsus Liguouri.The philosophical subjectivism in Amoris Laetitia is not Catholic.It is an innovation in the Church.
The same philosophical subjectivism is used by the two popes to reject exclusivist salvation theology held by St. Thomas Aquinas and St.Alphonsus Liguori.
There are no visible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance in 2017 to contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was taught by St. Thomas Aquinas. Yet for Pope Francis these hypothetical cases can be known and seen in the present times and so they are explicit exceptions to all needing to be incorporated into the Church as members for salvation.
Similarly there are no known cases in 2017 of people living in manifest mortal sin whom we can say will not be going to Hell and should be able to receive the Eucharist.Yet Amoris Laetitia suggests there are.Now in general the Eucharist is being given to people in mortal sin in Germany, Italy, Malta etc with the approval of the pope.


One of the best and “most mature” theologians today who can explain the document, he told them, is Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna.
Lionel: Like the pope he says conscience is supreme and for him there is no objective mortal sin.
“I want to say this so that you can help those who believe that morality is purely casuistic,” he said, meaning a morality that changes according to particular cases and circumstances rather than one that determines a general approach that should guide the church’s pastoral activity.
Lionel: Amoris Laeititia is casuistic on morals just as the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 brought in a new theology in the Church which is casuistic.

The pope had made a similar point during his meeting with Jesuits gathered in Rome for their general congregation in 2016. There he said, “In the field of morality, we must advance without falling into situationalism.”
Lionel: The New Morality being taught at pontifical universities is based on situationalism and this is expressed in Amoris Laetitia.
“St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure affirm that the general principle holds for all but — they say it explicitly — as one moves to the particular, the question becomes diversified and many nuances arise without changing the principle,” he had said.
Lionel: In principle salvation and moral theology has been changed with philsophical subjectivism i.e being able to judge exceptions to the rules on salvation and mortal sin when this cannot only be known to God in individual cases.

It is a method that was used for the Catechism of the Catholic Church and “Amoris Laetitia,” he added.
Lionel: Yes the moral and salvation theology in the Catechism of the Catholic Church is based on philosophical subjectivism.It assumes there are known cases of people saved with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and in invincible ignorance when there are no such known cases.
Similarly it assumes that we can know the three conditions of a mortal sin when this can only be known to God.


“It is evident that, in the field of morality, one must proceed with scientific rigor and with love for the church and discernment. There are certain points of morality on which only in prayer can one have sufficient light to continue reflecting theologically. And on this, allow me to repeat it, one must do ‘theology on one’s knees.’ You cannot do theology without prayer. This is a key point and it must be done this way,” he had told the Jesuits in Rome.1
Lionel: The interview is given in Columbia where a Catholic scholar has been excommunicated for criticizing Pope Francis. The pope has approved the excommunication during this visit to Columbia. This is the new morality-Lionel Andrades

‘Amoris Laetitia’ is built on traditional Thomist morality, pope says…/amoris-laetitia…

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