Monday, September 18, 2017

USCCB, EWTN deceptively contradict Jesus' teachings

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USCCB, EWTN deceptively contradict Jesus' teachings

Jesus says all need the baptism of water in the only community he founded, for salvation.It was the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholics. Jesus founded only one Church in which he wanted all people to be baptised for salvation.The US Bishops' Conference(USCCB) and the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) which the USCCB controls states otherwise. They teach that every one does not need to be a member of the Church for salvation since invisible baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blod(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are visible exceptions to Jesus' teachings in John 3:5.
So young Americans cannot be admitted to, for example,  the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, if they do not proclaim for all, that invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to Jesus' teaching in John 3:5, in 2017.
Image result for Photo ons.Todd J.LajinessImage result for Photo Ralph Martin detroitImage result for Photo Dr.Robert Fastiggi
The Rector and faculty at the Sacred Heart Seminary do not deny this.
Like the students even the professors of theology and philosophy have to affirm the this irrationality. The Rector is a member of a theological association. He also visits other seminaries and universities in the USA to check if this liberal theology based on visible for us BOD, BOB and I.I is being taught.
Similarly priests in Detroit who do not affirm this lie will be suspended.Even Michael Voris at Church Militant TV in Detroit who says he affirms outside the Church there is no salvation also has to say that not every one needs to be a card carrying member of the Church. Since for the Archbishop of Detroit invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to Jesus teaching in Mark 16: 16; those who do not believe will be condemned.
So the religious sisters are forced to teach, during Catechism Classes in Detroit and the rest of the USA, that not every one needs to enter the Church and the Church is not always the narrow gate, which Jesus mentioned in Matthew 7:13.Others can enter, sometimes, through other gates and they will be saved.This is what they are officially allowed to teach by the USCCB and the Vatican with the approval of the Masons and the rest of Left which supports Satan.
Portrait photo of AG Jeff  Sessions
So I mentioned in a previous blog post that the United States Attorney General and the House Ethics Committee must take into account the deception at Eternal Word Television Network(EWTN) which is being sustained by the United States Bishops Conference(USCCB).It is the deceptive policy of the USCCB and EWTN to project a false image of Catholic teachings on salvation.So they tell Catholics and people in general that there are known exceptions to the traditional exclusivist understanding of salvation in the Catholic Church.
RFK Building
This allows them to reject American students who want to to be seminarians at Catholic seminaries, who do not follow along with the deception.Also priests who do not support this deception are not allowed to remain priests.
The deception is unethical and it should be stopped. The USCCB infer that invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are visible exceptions to the traditional exclusivist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam
nulla salus(EENS), outside the Church there is no salvation.
It is irrational to suggest that there are known people in Heaven who have been saved outside the Church; without faith and baptism, and they are known examples of salvation outside the Church on earth in the present times.How can people in Heaven be known exceptions to all needing to enter the Church on earth? Yet this deception has to be accepted by Catholic students who want to be seminarians.Priests who do not repeat this lie could be suspended
Lionel Andrades

September 17, 2017

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U.S Attorney General must take into account the deception at EWTN and the USCCB

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