Monday, September 11, 2017

When are the traditionalists going to change? When are they going to get rid of their smugness on doctrine and theology ?

Fr.Jonathan Loop, SSPX and Fr.Gregory Pendergraft FSSP, speakers at the Catholic Identity annual pro-SSPX conference next month in the USA reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century.For them there is 'a development' with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. So for them there are practical exceptions to EENS even though they cannot name any body in the present times saved outside the Church without faith and baptism.Also claiming that invisible for us BOD, BOB and I.I is a visible exception to EENS is rational for them.1
Catholic Identity Conference Good REV082617
Similarly for Chris Ferrara and Michael Matt there is a development in theology since they accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which has made an objective mistake.
It is the same with other traditionalists.Ann Barnhardt has accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 as being magisterial and she has accepted its reasoning. So for her invisible for us baptism of desire is a visible exception to the dogma EENS. It would have to be visible otherwise how could it be an exception. For the cardinals who issued the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 there were exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS. Fr.Leonard Feeney was criticized.Pope Pius XII and Archbishop Lefebvre did not support him. For all of them the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) were exceptions and relevant to the dogma EENS.
Now traditionalists who offer/attend the Tridentine Rite Mass today interpret unknown cases of BOD, BOB and I.I as being exceptions to the dogma EENS.This is irrational and an innovation in the Church. This is the new theology promoted by Fr.Karl Rahner and ecclesiastical Masonry.
This is the theology understood annually at the Catholic Identity Conference.There has been no denial from them when I have written about the same thing in previous years.
This is their new identity. Since there are exceptions to the dogma EENS ( even when they cannot name any) there cannot be the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King.Why proclaim it when people can be saved outside the Church the liberals ask? The traditionalists Ferrara, Barnhardt, Verrecchio agree.There is known salvation outside the Church for them.
Since there are exceptions to the dogma EENS( even though they cannot name any such case in 2017) there cannot be the old ecumenism of return.Why proclaim it when Christians can be saved in their religion outside the Church, and even Lefevbre suggested it, the liberals ask? The traditionalists who attend these conferences agree. There are known cases of Christians being saved outside the Church for them.
This is a false theology.
There is  a false premise being used here.The conclusion is non traditional and it is accepted  by those who attend only the Traditional Latin Mass and often criticize the Mass in the vernacular.
This is not the teaching of the Catholic Church. This is an innovation. It is magisterial and sadly it is traditional for the traditionalists.
When are they going to change? When are they going to get rid of their smugness on doctrine and theology ?
-Lionel Andrades




Una Voce Intermultiplices/Internationalis are denying post Vatican Council II Catholic faith : promoting deception


There can be no Catholic identity without Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Feeneyite Vatican Council II


SEPTEMBER 12, 2014

The Call to Holiness and Catholic Identity Conference speakers will use a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, Redemptoris Missio, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus...

SEPTEMBER 12, 2014

Catholic Identity Conference 2014 flyerCTH Single Sheet1-b

Both Conferences being held this week end don't have a Catholic Identity

The Call to Holiness and Catholic Identity Conference speakers will use a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, Redemptoris Missio, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus...

Two Catholic Conferences this week end - how would they interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church ?

Two Catholic Conferences this week end: how would they interpret Redemptoris Missio?

Two Catholic Conferences this week end : how would they interpret Dominus Iesus ?

Two Conferences and an irrational premise

Two Catholic Conferences : Both interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise.One accepts the Council the other rejects it

SEPTEMBER 10, 2014
Two Conferences and an irrational premise

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