Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cardinal Müller: Reformation was “No Event of the Holy Spirit”

Cardinal Müller: Reformation was “No Event of the Holy Spirit”

Revolution: The Reformation was not a reform but a revolution, according to Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, ousted by Pope Francis in July. Writing for La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana Müller explains that the Reformation totally altered the foundations of the Catholic Faith.

Not Corresponding to Reality: Müller states that the claim that the Reformation was only fighting against abuses or grievances in the Renaissance Church, does not correspond to reality. Quote, “Abuses and bad deeds have always existed in the Church, not only in the Renaissance, we have them also today.”

Luther Abandoned the Faith: Cardinal Müller mentions Luther’s famous writing “On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church”. From this book is clear that Luther – quote Müller – “left behind him all principles of the Catholic faith, of the Holy Scripture, of the Apostolic Tradition, of the magisterium of the Pope and the Councils, and of the bishops.”

Subjective Faith: With great clarity Cardinal Müller points out that Luther abolished five sacraments, altered the remaining two and replaced the objective effectiveness of the sacraments with a subjective faith.

No Event of the Holy Spirit: For Cardinal Müller, it is unacceptable to call the Lutheran Reformation an “event of the Holy Spirit” as did the Modernist secretary general of the Italian Bishops’ Conference Nunzio Galantino. Müller adds, “The Spirit does not contradict himself.” According to him, too many speak enthusiastically about Luther because they do not know what he said and did.

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