Wednesday, October 25, 2017

For Cardinal Raymond Burke, Michael Matt, John Salza,Joseph Shaw and Deacon Nick Donnelly Pope Francis is not in heresy.He is not a heretic.

For Cardinal Raymond Burke, Michael Matt, John Salza,Joseph Shaw and Deacon Nick Donnelly Pope Francis is not in heresy.He is not a heretic.

Pope Francis is not in heresy states Cardinal Burke.Michael Matt and John Salza agree.Hilary White has closed down her blog..
For Joseph Shaw,Nick Donnelly and other signatories of the Filial Correction Pope Francis is not a heretic.Same story with Bishop Bernard Fellay.
Among traditionalist bloggers it is only  Louie Verrecchio, Ann Barnhardt and David Domet who will use the H word.There could  be others.
What must Pope Francis do and say for the traditionalists to state that Pope Francis is in heresy and a heretic asks Frank Walker on Canon 212? 1
Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam and Phillip Blosser at  Musings of a Pertinacious Papist are vague .Mundabor is anonymous.
Louie Verrecchio though is not hiding and searching for cover.
Francis has been given more than ample opportunity to reject his heresies in favor of certain “truths that are divinely revealed, and that Catholics must believe with the assent of divine faith,” to quote the Filial Correction once more.
  • This is comparable to asking the man elected in conclave “do you accept the Office of Peter?” In this case, Francis is being asked, “Do you accept what Catholics must believe?”
As the Filial Correction documents very well, Francis has answered; not only by his failure to formally and directly respond to the numerous public challenges he has faced (the Dubia first and foremost), but by manifold words and deeds.
In other words, to the question, will you accept this invitation to reject your heresies and thus retain your membership in the society of the faithfuland likewise your office, Francis has responded in the negative.2
Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara too are   vague for Verrecchio.
Before we get into the article itself, I must address a statement made in the introduction provided by Michael Matt as it is truly astonishing:
Even in Amoris:  Which dogma has Francis officially and unequivocally denied? Name one! You see the problem? One cannot be a public and pertinacious heretic by default, weakness, innuendo or ambiguity.
Name one? Mr. Matt’s longtime collaborator, Christopher Ferrara, can name at least seven! So, yeah, Mike, I see the problem! 
It seems that Mr. Matt would do well to read the Filial Correction that was signed by Mr. Ferrara; a document that outlines “seven heretical propositions” in the text, while stating:
These propositions [in Amoris Laetitia] all contradict truths that are divinely revealed, and that Catholics must believe with the assent of divine faith.
Those “truths” are otherwise known as dogmas, folks.- Louie Verrecchio
Chris Ferrara on the Renmant website when pushed by  La Stampa's Fastiggi refused to say that Pope Francis is in heresy.-Lionel Andrades


 OCTOBER 24, 2017

Truth Decay :For Ralph Martin,Robert Fastiggi and Phillip Blosser Baptism of Desire etc refer to invisible cases but students at Detroit have to infer that they are visible

OCTOBER 24, 2017

Pope Pius IX on Converting Those Outside the Church (Quanto Conficiamur Moerore) - Matthew Bellisario

OCTOBER 24, 2017

Someone needs to help Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, Archbishop Pozzo and Archbishop Di Noia see how they use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

 OCTOBER 24, 2017

There is an in principle error in the Vatican Council II text : Does the SSPX have to accept it for canonical status?

OCTOBER 23, 2017

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus Forum (No Salvation Outside the Church Forum)

Sedevacantist watch : Even Pope Benedict XVI interprets Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, the Nicene Creed and Vatican Council II with a false premise to elicit a non traditional and heretical conclusion. So where does the heresy charge end ?

OCTOBER 23, 2017

Image result for Photo of Archbishop Guido Pozzo

Still no denial from Abp.Guido Pozzo : SSPX must accept Vatican Council II with a false doctrine and the new theology based on an irrational premise

OCTOBER 22, 2017

Image result for Logo of Sacred Heart Major Seminary detroit

Seven Faculty Members Make Oath of Fidelity at Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit :affirming irrationality and heresy is obligatory

OCTOBER 22, 2017

Image result for Dr.Robert Fastiggi Photos

Dr.Robert Fastiggi's Scorecard

 OCTOBER 22, 2017

Dr.Robert Fastiggi wants Bishop Donald Sanborn and Chris Ferrara to affirm a magisterium in heresy and schism like him

OCTOBER 21, 2017

Pope Benedict XVI interprets Vatican Council II, EENS, Nicene Creed, Catechisms and other magisterial documents with an irrational premise to produce a non traditional conclusion

OCTOBER 21, 2017
Image result for Photo Dr.Joseph Shaw

Five Catholic academics accept the development of doctrine on salvation and Vatican Council II but reject it on morals and the death penalty

OCTOBER 21, 2017

With one small false premise which Christine Niles accepts in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 Vatican Council II has the hermeneutic of rupture for her

OCTOBER 20, 2017

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Pope Francis and Bishop Nunzio fail the test on this 'chart' : first class heresy, automatic excommunication

OCTOBER 15, 2017

We are in the same Church but the Polish bishops interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently

OCTOBER 14, 2017

We are in the same Church but the two popes and I interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently

OCTOBER 10, 2017


CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei supports heresy approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

 SEPTEMBER 26, 2017

Amoris Laetitia supports a mortal sin in morals and the 63 scholars like the two popes, support a mortal sin of faith


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