Monday, October 30, 2017

Poland: The Pope’s Troubling Silence on the “Rosary on the Borders”

On October 9, 2017, on the Italian website Occidentale, Assuntina Morresi hailed the Polish Catholics’ immense participation in Rosary on the Borders on October 7, and denounced the deafening silence with which the major media outlets shrouded this event.
“The popular participation in the rosary that was recited on Saturday along the Polish border was enormous; in 320 churches spread over more than 4,000 prayer zones, over a million Catholics were actually present, while many others throughout the entire world, whose numbers it would be impossible to count, united themselves to the recitation of the rosary. Rosary on the Borders was the name given to this act accomplished on the day the Church celebrates Our Lady of the Rosary, formerly known as Our Lady of Victory, in commemoration of the Christian victory at the battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571, when the Ottoman enemy was conquered and minarets were kept from dominating Europe.
The pope at the time, St. Pius V, was the heart of this Christian coalition that won in Lepanto, and it was he who proclaimed this feast.

A Prayer for Poland and Europe

“Yesterday’s act was supported by the Polish Bishops’ Conference, and it was meant as a prayer for the Polish nation – hence the prayer on the borders – and for Europe, that she might protect and preserve the Christian Faith, the only possible solution for peace. In this sense, in these our times that are bloodied by Islamic terrorism and characterized by secularism, when calls for peace are often sectarian instruments or vague irenic dreams, this was a true, great, and sincere prayer for peace: with the recitation of the rosary, their Christian roots were publicly manifested.
An enormous act, as can be seen from the many photographs circulating online: organized crowds, praying everywhere, on the seaside, in the countryside, inside and outside of churches. It is particularly striking to see this long human chain praying with such a long rosary, with large (human) beads. These pictures were taken by many Italians, who went to the borders yesterday to recite the rosary with the Polish faithful, and then reported everything on social media. The newspapers and news channels completely ignored the event: only Antonio Socci consecrated an article to the event in the Libero, along with Joanna Berendt and Megan Specia on the other side of the Atlantic, in the New York Times. Today, two days later, La Repubblica has finally mentioned the event in its own way, with inexact facts and a title that is an agenda in itself: ‘Mass Exorcism against Islamic Migrants’. Someone should explain to La Repubblica, a newspaper that is so eager to dialogue with the pope, that prayer is not an exorcism ritual.
Today, some news is mentioned only online. Television and the paper press seem to be hopelessly programmed to describe a world that does not exist, or rather they persist in representing only a part of reality, a part that is becoming less and less significant and less representative of the real world, except when they give in to despair when facts do not prove them right or sales drop inexorably.”

Is the Pope Aware?

On October 12, on his website Rossoporpora, the Vaticanist Giuseppe Rusconi lamented the fact that Pope Francis, “although he had several opportunities to do so, never mentioned the great Catholic manifestation. But how is this possible? … He publicly hails the least group of parishioners, students, seminarians… He salutes associations of all sorts (with particular attention for those committed to the environment, immigration, and peace in the world) … but not a word! Completely ignored.
“Was he unaware of the great Polish Rosary? Theoretically, it is possible… but it is very hard to believe that not one of his collaborators informed him. Does he not care about what happened in Poland? Or rather, does he pretend not to care about what happened in Poland?
Is Pope Francis aware that he has deeply wounded millions of Catholics, and not only Polish Catholics, with his ostentatious lack of interest for the great Polish Rosary? Does he know what bitterness, what pain this caused? Is he aware of the consequences this could have?”Sources: loccidentale/rossoporpora/FSSPX.News – 10/27/2017

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