Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Polish Bishops object to exceptions in moral theology but wrongly accept it in salvation theology

The Polish Bishops have drafted a 19-page document that says no to Pope Francis' attempt to legitimize Holy Communion for adulterers in contradiction to the Gospel. According to La Fede Quotidiana, Pope Francis called the Polish Nuncio Salvatore Pennacchio for a secret meeting. Then he made him even participate in the meeting of the Polish Bishops which took place on October 13-14. To no avail, the Polish bishops showed no willingness to turn away from the Gospel and the Catholic Faith according to Gloria TV.
The Polish bishops are opposing Amoris Laetitia's claim that we can know of exceptions to Catholics living in mortal sin. They are correct there can be no known exceptions.
However the Polish Bishops like Pope Francis make a mistake when they believe that there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century.For them invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are visible exceptions to the de fide teaching on all needing to be incorporated into the Church as members for salvation.
So the Polish Bishops cannot outright say that all Jews and Muslims and other non Christians in 2017 are on the way to Hell unless they become members of the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG  7).There are exceptions for them.
Instead they interpret Lumen Gentium 16(invincible ignorance) etc as referring to known people saved outside the Church. This is irrational and false.However with this irrationality Vatican Council II emerges as a break with the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church which they reject , like the liberals.
Similarly they accept the controversial Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston which mixed up hypothetical cases as being de facto and  known.So BOD, BOB and I.I were considered not theoretical but actual objective exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS. The Polish Bishops have rejected the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS and have replaced it with the official, magisterial Cushingite version i.e invisible BOD. BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS. This is the new EENS created with the New Theology. The New Theology says there is known salvation outside the Church and the New Theology is based upon interpreting theoretical cases as being objective in the present times.
This is all the doctrinal confusion accepted by the Polish Bishops in salvation theology while they correctly object to the new moral theology expressed in Amoris Laetitia.
Cardinal Kasper once said in an interview before the Synod that if the Church can accept a new ecclesiology then why cannot it accept giving the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried.He was indirectly referring also to the Polish Bishops.
The Polish Bishops have accepted the new ecclesiology and no more affirm the old ecclesiology which was rational. It considered hypothetical cases as just being hypothetical.
So presently there is no traditional Catholic Mission in Poland, like the rest of the world, based on the old ecclesiology.It is no more said that all non Catholics, including Protestants and Orthodox Christians are on the way to Hell, unless they formally enter the Catholic Church.The Polish Bishops are following the false new ecumenism and the new ecclesiology of the Vatican, based on there being alleged known salvation outside the Church, even when they do not know of any practical exception in Poland.
The Polish Bishops need to clarify that BOD.BOB and I.I like LG 16, UR 3, LG 14, LG 8, Na 2, GS 22, AG 11 etc refer to theoretical cases. There are no explicit examples of salvation outside the Church. We cannot meet or see any one in 2017 saved as such. So these references in the text of Vatican Council II, are not to be mistaken to be exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS, as it was known over the centuries in Poland to St. Stanislaus Kotska, St. Maximillian Kolbe and St.Faustina Kowalska.-Lionel Andrades 

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