Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Pope Benedict could have vetted and approved Amoris Laetitia

Image result for Photo of Pope benedict and Amoris Laetitia
It seems a if Cardinal Ratzinger knew that invisible baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance could not be visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) but he had to oblige someone or some lobby and so distorted Church doctrine and theology as Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.He then created the new 1983 Code of Canon Law to enforce all this irrationality and liberalism in the Church.Now the Church itself, the magisterium, teaches heresy.It's an official break with the past magisterium.Those who were faithful to the teachings of the traditional Catholic Church and opposed this heresy and schism were excommunicated and marginalized.He was a liberal whose conservative image was propped by the anti Catholic mainline media.
At Vatican Council II(1965) he supported the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney when there were no practical exceptions to the dogma EENS. Theologically, invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc,could not be relevant to the dogma EENS but he said nothing.
He maintained the excommunication of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre-.Since he wanted Vatican Council II to be interpreted with LG 16  etc being referred to as visible and known cases.So they become a rupture with Tradition, with the dogma EENS, the old exclusivist ecclesiology, the Syllabus of Errors etc.
If he did not allow all this intentionally he permitted this error,injustice and confusion in the Church,with his ignorance, while Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
When he wanted the SSPX to approve the doctrinal preamble it was not with Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS( premise-free) but as a rupture with EENS because of the irrational premise used in the interpretation.
In salvation theology he assumed hypothetical and unknown cases could be known and judged as being examples of salvation outside the Church.Similarly in morals he accepted that we could judge when manifest mortal sin was not a mortal sin and this was not in the realm of God alone.This was and is still being taught at the pontifical universities.So he permitted the variations and permutations in moral theology with philosophical subjectivism and the Obfuscation Principle and so could have vetted and approved Amoris Laetitia before it was issued.Amoris Laetitia's philosophical subjectivism and Obfuscation Principle was supported by him in salvation theology.This was the reasoning he used to do away with the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church--Lionel Andrades

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