Monday, October 2, 2017

Pope Francis repeats in principle error in Amoris Laetitia : believes we humans can judge exceptions to moral and salvation teachings of the Church

Francis argues that Catholics in a new union after a divorce should not be “pigeonholed.” 
The norm is set by Jesus in the Bible.

Rather, he prefers that they and their pastors undergo a process of discernment. After discernment, he says, some of the divorced and civilly remarried can more fully integrate into Christian communities.
Lionel: He is saying that we can tell when someone in manifest mortal sin is not a mortal sin.This is false.

 Francis rejects uniform enforcement of rules because he says that not all persons in irregular unions are equally culpable.
Lionel: He is again saying that there are known exceptions of Catholics in mortal sin who will not be going to Hell.

 “Discernment can recognize that in a particular situation no grave fault exist,” he argues, adding that “it cannot be said” that all persons in irregular unions are “living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace.”
Lionel:Again he is saying that we can judge in particular cases exceptions to Jesus' teachings on morals, when really it is only Jesus who can know who will be saved or not.The Church guided by the Holy Spirit has always said that those living in adultery are on the way to Hell. They are in mortal sin.

 In some complex situations, he maintains, such persons will recognize in good conscience, along with their pastor, that they are doing what they can even without fully meeting the gospel’s demands.
Lionel: Again this is false there is no way of saying that any particular Catholic living in mortal sin is not going to Hell if he dies immediately without absolution in the Confessional.A divorced and remarried Catholic has also to change his lifestyle.

 Francis goes on to offer that acceptance of their situation may be what God is asking of them at the time. Francis concludes that sacraments, including the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, may aid people in some irregular situations
Lionel: Again he is saying that we can judge exceptions to the general rule on morals and mortal sin. This is false.We humans cannot judge exceptions.
The same error is made by  Pope Francis is salvation theology. He assumed that we can judge in personal cases non Catholics saved outside the Church with the baptism of desire etc. This is false.We do not know of any practical exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This was the mistake made in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. It was repeated in Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and now Pope Francis has used the in principle error in Amoris Laetitia.
With similar reasoning thousands of marriages have been broken up with superficial annulment theories.-Lionel Andrades

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