Sunday, October 8, 2017

SSPX begin negotiations immediately : affirm Vatican Council II ( premise free)

Image result for Photos SSPX negotiationsImage result for Photos SSPX negotiations
Pope Benedict says Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the hermeneutic of continuity.He is referring to Vatican Council II (premise-free).
Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei has said that Vatican Council II has a continuity with the past.This is expressed precisely in Vatican Council II ( premise-free).

Image result for Photos SSPX negotiations

OCTOBER 7, 2017

Tell your bishop you affirm Vatican Council II(premise-free) : it is rational, simple and traditional and not a rupture with the past

OCTOBER 7, 2017

SSPX canonical recognition is assured : Vatican Council II (premise-free) is no more an issue

 OCTOBER 7, 2017

SSPX must re-open negotiations for canonical status : cite new doctrinal references and explanations on this blog

-Lionel Andrades

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