Wednesday, October 4, 2017

St.Francis of Assisi doctrinally and theologically was very far from the namesake pope

Image result for Photo St.Francis of Assisi

St.Francis of Assisi.The man who went to the Muslim Sultan and converted him.He prophesied that before his death he would be baptized. Friars appeared from no where at the Sultan's death bed.He died a Catholic.
St. Francis knew that all Muslims were on the way to Hell. Out of love for them he went into the Sultan's camp and came away alive.Francis was a Crusader.
He knew, like Vatican Council II tells us, that all people need faith and baptism for salvation.But most people die without it and are lost forever.
He would tell some of his Friars that heresy would lead them to Hell.He predicted that certain Friars were lost.
He knew that the Catholic Church was the only path to salvation.He reached the highest levels of mystical experience;union with God - within the Catholic Church.
He had a unity with animals and a oneness at the level of consciousness with the planets and the universe.
And yet he knew that sin takes you to Hell.
He lived real poverty. Poverty-poverty.And he encouraged the Friars to do the same.St. Clare too.
He had freed himself from every attachment to the world.In this sense he was a liberated man.He could commune with God and there were no obstacles.
He did not say like the Franciscans do today that invisible  and unknown people are exceptions to St.Francis' understanding of outside the Church there is no salvation.He held the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He was a Feeneyite.He did not pretend that we could know of baptism of desire, baptism of blood and XYZ cases in real life, when such people did not exist.
The newspapers today will highlight St. Francis' love for peace, the environment and animals but not his firm Catholicism. His identity was that of a Catholic - and not a Christian as Pope Francis wants to project us.
Doctrinally and theologically he was very far from the name sake pope.
He is the paton saint of Europe which has lost its Catholic identity since they have had the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus taken away from them by the enemies of the Church.At Fatima Our Lady said the dogma of the faith will be lost.She could be referring to the dogma St. Francis defended and popes Benedict and Francis are ashamed of.
Image result for Photo St.Francis of Assisi
When Catholics affirm the dogma according to St. Francis and not Archbishop Richard Cushing and the Jesuits they will once again find their identity and their Faith.
-Lionel Andrades

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