Wednesday, October 11, 2017

THE FINAL REALITY Be certain you are not among the damned! - Michael Voris

Did you hear the report of the NFL team that was told by its coaches that there would be no practice, no scrimmage, no weight room workouts, no film watching and no game plan for the next opponent because no matter what the team did, it was guaranteed to win, victory was completely assured, so why bother with practice and such? Well, of course, you haven't heard such a report because it would be fake news. Nothing like that ever happens because it's patently absurd on its face. Yet, for all the insanity present in such an approach, it almost completely parallels the spiritual idiocy of many in the hierarchy and clergy when "leading the sheep." They're leading the sheep alright. The question is "where are they leading them?"
If we are created for Heaven, which we are then the sermons, exhortations, preachings, writings, retreats, conferences, seminars should be about little else. But as it stands right now, they are about everything else except the final reality. The approach is one of an almost nonchalance about gaining Heaven without there being any possibility of damnation — the same principle we gave by analogy about the football team not practicing for the next opponent. The players might like the news that practice is canceled and victory assured but the reality is there is an opponent who has practiced, intensely, and he will take them to pieces once the contest begins.
Victory isn't even assured if you practice your tails off — all that is guaranteed is losing if you don't practice. This is why we so strongly recommend the book The Four Last Things, which we talked about yesterday in The Vortex. It is sobering and a massive spiritual gut check, as we consider our end of this life, which every one of us will face. Those who die unprepared to stand before God, meaning not in a state of sanctifying grace, face immediate damnation, meaning they will descend immediately into the torment of hellfire for eternity. This is a never-changing teaching of the Church because Our Blessed Lord said so.
In the book The Four Last Things, which are death, judgment, Heaven and Hell, Fr. Martin von Cochem gives some powerful meditations on the sufferings of the damned. Here are a couple of passages, addressing the pains of the body in Hell:
  • "In times of dearth and famine, one is horrified to see what are the effects produced by hunger and what a terrible visitation the scarcity of food is."
  • "For to still the intolerable pangs of hunger people will devour whatever they can lay their hands on; grass, leaves, unclean and disgusting animals, nay, men have even been driven to feed on the flesh of their fellow-men, mothers to sacrificing their children and some have been known to gnaw their own flesh."
  • "And when the poor, famished wretches have nothing more, they wander about like shadows of their former selves, pale and emaciated as death itself."
  • "They drag on a lingering existence until all their strength is consumed; finally, through the torture of starvation, they lose their senses; they rave and cry and howl and die the most miserable of deaths. If such are the effects of hunger upon earth, what will the hunger be which shall be experienced in Hell?"
And in addition to hunger for food, there is the insatiable thirst for water — a thirst that by its very nature will be everlasting. Listen to Fr. Martin's reflection on the pains of thirst in Hell:
  • "Besides hunger, the damned suffer the most burning thirst, which it is beyond the power of words to describe. Everyone knows how terrible are the sufferings caused by thirst: they are simply unbearable."
  • "Those who are plagued by thirst will drink from the most impure sources, and if nothing at all can be obtained to quench their thirst, a lingering and painful death is the result."
  • "The thirst suffered by lost souls is infinitely greater, more intense, more painful than any thirst experienced on earth, however great that may be. If a mortal man could feel it even for a brief period, he would faint away and die immediately."
  • "There is never any rest or respite for the damned; they are driven from one torment to another unceasingly. This occasions thirst. But the heat of hell-fire, wherein they burn day and night, forever and ever, is the principal cause of the intolerable thirst that consumes them."
  • "They are immersed in flames and never do they obtain the refreshment of a draught of water. My God, how great their thirst must be. It is unbearable, and yet they must needs endure it."
  • "Listen to the piteous appeal of a lost soul earnestly imploring the boon of a single drop of water: "Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame." (Luke 16:24)
And this is what the Church of Nice and the Establishment Left in the Church don't want you to hear. They want you to not think about Hell at all. They want you to think we have a "reasonable hope" that all men are saved. They want you thinking everyone goes to Heaven — that all religions lead to God, that all the consequences of sin, which they consider just a "bad choice" are confined to this earth.
For their sake, they better hope and pray they are right but they are not. Read this book.

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