Thursday, November 16, 2017

Automatically excommunicated archbishop of Palermo threathens to excommunicate priest

Image result for Photo of Archbishop of Palermo on a cycle in church

Archbishop Corrado Lorefice, the Archbishop of Palermo has threathened a priest of his diocese, Fr.Alessandro Minutella with excommunication unless he expresses his fidelity to Pope Franics.
The Archbishop of Palermo  does not affirm Vatican Council II without the irrational premise. He does not choose to interpret the Council with Feeneyism as a theology instead of Cushingism.This is a rupture with the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.He is automatically excommunicated like the two popes.
The Archbishop interprets the  Nicene Creed with the same irrational premise.This is first class heresy.
The Archbishop who once rode a cycle within the church interprets magisterial documents with the baptism of desire referring to visible, instead of invisible cases, and this is approved by Pope Francis.
The Marian priest, who has been citing Our Lady's messages including that of La Salette, Tre Fontane and Anguera, Brazil has  refused to make a public statement of fidelity to Pope Francis on social media.He said  "I will not  make this  hypocritical act.It would not be obedience but subordination and superstition".
He has posted a video on Radio Domina it is reported in which he has refused to make a public act of fidelity to the pope.He has been critical of 'the false Church' within the Catholic Church.
The former Parish Priest of Romagnolo,Palermo, says the pope is responsible for the confusion over the Eucharist being given to the divorced who are remarried.

It may be mentioned that Pope Francis has approved the excommunication of a lay Catholic scholar in Columbia.During his visit to Columbia he did not ask for the excommunication of the Prof.Hose Galat to be lifted.Galat 88  former rector of the La Gran Colombia University and founder and owner of the television station Teleamiga, has been declared excommunicated for not being obedient to Pope Francis.The vague charge is now also being applied to Fr.Alessandro Minutella.-Lionel Andrades

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