Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bishop Fellay and Archbishop Pozzo, both interpret EENS and Vatican Council II with the irrational premise

 Bishop Bernard Fellay would say that he affirms the Syllabus of Errors but we also know that he affirms the New Theology, the New Ecclesiology, with exceptions to EENS. He endorses the Letter of the Holy Office's interpretation of EENS.So there are exceptions to EENS for him and when there are exceptions to EENS it is a negation of the old ecclesiology. When the old ecclesiology is negated the Syllabus of Errors on ecumenism and non Christians religions and salvation, is negated.It is the same with Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei.
Fellay and Pozzo,  both interpret EENS and Vatican Council II with the irrational premise( invisible cases are known people in the present times saved outside the Church).


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