Sunday, November 12, 2017

But so what? It's magisterial.

Image result for Photo Dr.Robert FastiggiImage result for Photo Dr.Robert Fastiggi

There is no denial from Dr.Robert Fastiggi or the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX).They agree that possibilities cannot be actual and known people, visible  exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) in 2017.For them hypothetical and unknown cases of people saved with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) cannot be personally known people in the present times, I mentioned in the last blog post.1
Image result for Photo Dr.Robert Fastiggi
I am reminded of the debate on ecclesiology between Dr. Fastiggi and Bishop Donald Sanborn.
Dr.Fastiggi's main argument was that the bishop was in schism irrespective of doctrine and theology.Instead of talking in terms of theology and doctrine he would come down with the sedevacantist charge.
Now the professor of theology like the rest of the faculty admits that there are no known cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance in 2017. But the magisterium teaches that there are.
So he also will teach the same. His message to his students at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit is that there are known cases of BOD, BOB and I.l and they are examples of salvation outside the Church even though there are practically no such cases in Detroit.But it has to be taught by him since it is magisterial!

Then he knows that  Lumen Gentium 16( invincible ignorance) is not an explicit case in 2017 and so it cannot be an objective exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. But this is the magisterial teaching. So he will teach the error in logic and philosophy which is part of the new theology.This is a bad example of coherence.But it is magisterial.
In the debate Bishop Donald Sanborn said that there is a rupture in ecumenism.How could Dr.Fastiggi agree? He knows that it is magisterial to interpret Lumen Gentium 16 as referring to a known case of someone saved outside the Church.So in this way there is a rupture with the old ecclesiology of an ecumenism on non return.Not coherent! But it is magisterial, what can he do?!
The present position of Dr. Fastiggi on Vatican Council II, EENS, ecumenism, new ecclesiology and Nicene Creed is heretical. But so what? It's magisterial.😊
-Lionel Andrades


NOVEMBER 12, 2017

No denial from Dr.Robert Fastiggi or the Society of St.Pius X : all agree invisible people are not visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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