Friday, November 10, 2017

Church of Mercy Excommunicates Its Critics

Church of Mercy Excommunicates Its Critics

Modernist Archbishop Corrado Lorefice of Palermo, Italy, has threatened Father Alessandro Minutella with excommunication if he does not make a personalized public act of fidelity to Pope Francis, although Father Minutella had already professed all the truth of the Catholic Faith including loyalty of will and intellect to the Roman Pontiff.

In a video published on November 9 Minutella replies, “Does this mean that the Roman Pontiff is not the same as Pope Francis?” He adds, “This looks like a regime, not like the Catholic Church.” In March 2017 Minutella was removed from his parish because of his strenuous defense of the Catholic Faith and for criticizing Amoris Laetitia.

Marco Tosatti comments on his blog: “Father Minutella is certainly not the priest who has criticized Church decisions with a harsh tone. But others [who were Modernists] were treated with patience and tolerance. I wonder why.”


rafferju1 hour ago

So then anyone who is or was critical of Amoris Laetitia and hasn't subsequently made a personalized public act of fidelity to Pope Francis would also be excommunicated. But I suppose logic isn't the strong point of those that find no fault in Amoris Laetitia.

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