Thursday, November 16, 2017

Facing Excommunication: Italian Novus Ordo Priest critical of Francis to be slapped with harshest possible Penalty

His name is Alessandro Minutella. He is a 44-year-old Novus Ordo priest in Italy and has publicly criticized the man he belives to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) — basically for being too “progressive”. He went so far as to call Francis a “false prophet” at the top of the “mystical body of the antichrist”.
In late March of this year, Minutella had made an open appeal to Francis from the pulpit (video here) regarding the confusion caused by Amoris Laetitia. When “Don” Minutella called for a conference of “Catholic resistance”, his “Archbishop”, Mr. Corrado Lorefice, stepped in and removed him from his post as pastor of St. John Bosco church in Palermo, Sicily. The pseudo-bishop also forbade him from speaking against the “Catholic” hierarchy in any way, and threatened him with suspension. Minutella obeyed, called off the conference, and remained mostly silent. Although he was not suspended, he was still removed as pastor, which did not take place until June, however. By that time, the Vatican was aware of the situation.
To make a long story short: Yesterday, Nov. 9, it was revealed on the Facebook page of Minutella’s Radio Domina Nostra (“Our Lady’s Radio”) that the Vatican had released a decree ordering him to make a public profession of loyalty to Francis within 48 hours, else he would be excommunicated (the text of the decree was reportedly read to him by “Abp.” Lorefice). The text of the Facebook post reads verbatim:

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