Saturday, November 4, 2017

Formal recognition of traditionalist community in Worcester,Massachusetts opens new doctrinal path for SSPX canonical status

Image result for Photo Bishop Robert J. McManus
The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (MICM) have been formally recognized as an Association by Bishop Robert J. McManus  bishop of the diocese of Worcester,Massachusetts.They have canonical status.This should also be good news for the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX).Bishop McManus has considered the position of the MICM,and the late Fr.Leonard Feeney as magisterial and doctrinally acceptable.
truedev15mass15Montfort Youth Retreat 2016
The bishop also understands that this community which has its roots in the St.Benedict Center at the time of Fr. Leonard Feeney, has accepted Vatican Council II.
For a religious communities today to receive canonical status they must accept Vatican Council II.At the same time they can also affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), with no known exceptions.
So it means that the SSPX (2012) General Chapter Statement on Doctrine is not an impediment to canonical status.
For this reason it seems opportune that we reaffirm our faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the unique Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation nor possibility to find the means leading to salvation-SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012

Vatican Council II does not contradict the SSPX General Chapter Statement on EENS.
Let me explain

1. If LG 16 etc refers to an invisible and unknown person in 2017 then Vatican Council II does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.
2.If it is implied that LG 16 etc refer to someone known who is saved outside the Church, then Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with Tradition.

1. If LG 16 etc refers to a possibility, an   unknown person in 2017 then Vatican Council II does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.

2.If it is implied that LG 16 etc, possibilites, are actual people, known people in 2017 saved outside the Church, then Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with Tradition.

So the MICM and the SSPX simply have to affirm Vatican Council II with LG 16, GS 22, UR 3 etc referring to invisible and unknown people in 2017. This is common knowledge.Every one would agree that these are references to hypothetical cases.They are not personally known people saved outside the Church.
The SSPX, MICM and other traditionalists, and even religious communities at large, must realize that it is the magisterium which has made a mistake.The magisterium has chosen the visible and known option.
Pope Benedict and Cardinal Ladaria have interpreted LG 16 as a possibility. Then they have inferred that this possibility is  an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS. Since it is an exception it means that the possibility for them, is someone known.So there is salvation outside the Church.
This is false reasoning.
For there to be an exception to the dogma EENS there must be an actual person saved outside the Church.This person must exist and be seen. An invisible person cannot be an exception to Feeneyite EENS.And we know there can be no such case in real life. Since someone saved would be in Heaven and known and visible only to God.
I cannot say that there were 23 baptism of desire cases this year, since this was a possibility.
I cannot say that there were 10 cases of invincible ignorance last year, since it was possible.
Similarly I cannot say that it is possible that there are many people saved outside the Church and so since it is possible, it has happened.
Yet this is the false reasoning of the magisterium.

'10. Exclusivist ecclesiocentrism—the fruit of a specific theological system or of a mistaken understanding of the phrase extra ecclesiam nulla salus—is no longer defended by Catholic theologians after the clear statements of Pius XII and Vatican Council II on the possibility of salvation for those who do not belong visibly to the Church (cf, e.g., LG 16; GS 22)...'-International Theological Commission, Christianity and the World Religions (emphasis added)

59. The Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston (1949) offers further specifications. “To gain eternal salvation, it is not always required that a person be incorporated in reality (reapse) as a member of the Church, but it is necessary that one belong to it at least in desire and longing (voto et desiderio). It is not always necessary that this desire be explicit as it is with catechumens.
When one is invincibly ignorant, God also accepts an implicit desire, so called because it is contained in the good disposition of soul by which a person wants his or her will to be conformed to God’s will”. - The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without  being baptized', International Theological Commission, 2007

Cardinal Ratzinger in Christianity and the World Religions is saying that there is no more the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past, since Catholic theologians, which include him and Cardinal Ladaria,(and ecclesiastical Masonry) consider the possibility of salvation, for people who do not belong visibly to the Church, a visible and known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was understood in the past.So the past understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus is ' a mistaken understanding ' since now the theologians  know that a possibility is a known example of salvation outside the Church for him.
Here it is again.
'...after the clear statements of Pius XII and Vatican Council II on the possibility of salvation for those who do not belong visibly to the Church (cf, e.g., LG 16; GS 22)...'-International Theological Commission, Christianity and the World Religions

This reasoning is clearly false and it can be avoided in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

So the MICM and the SSPX have to be aware of this error. Possibilities must not be considered exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. LG 16, GS 22, UR 3 etc can be considered as theoretical cases, possibilities but not as exceptions to EENS.Since possibilities cannot be exceptions.Possibilities are not real people.
Here is Bishop Bernard Fellay making the 'possibilities are exceptions' error in an article which can be read on line.

The same declaration (LG, 8) also recognizes the presence of “salvific elements” in non-Catholic Christian communities. The decree on ecumenism goes even further, adding that “the Spirit of Christ does not refrain from using these churches and communities as means of salvation, which derive their efficacy from the fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church.” (UR, 3)
Such statements are irreconcilable with the dogma “No salvation outside of the Church, which was reaffirmed by a Letter of the Holy Office on August 8, 1949". - Bishop Bernard Fellay (April 13, 2014 ) Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 82 2
LG 8 and UR 3 refer to possibilities.So how can they be exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS,Bishop Fellay?
Secondly he is not referring to Feeneyite EENS but EENS according to the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. The Letter assumed that possibilities of being saved with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were actual examples of salvation outside the Church and so were known exceptions to the dogma EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.Concrete cases! How can these be concrete cases? Who could have seen a possibility in real life? If someone was saved,since it was possible, it would only be known to God.
So the Letter also considers possibilities(BOD, BOB and I.I) as being known examples of salvation outside the Church.This is false reasoning.It was accepted by Cardinal Ratzinger.
So when the MICM and the SSPX avoids this error they can tell the Vatican and the bishops conferences that they now accept Vatican Council II with possibilities not being known people saved outside the Church in the present times. So Vatican Council II does not contradict the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS nor the old ecclesiology of the Church on an ecumenism of return.
In this way they will be affirming Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS according to the missionaries of the 16th century.They would also be affirming the Syllabus of Errors which was based on the past ecclesiology.They can then  ask the two popes, cardinals and bishops and all the religious communities and lay movements to do the same.
It is then that Rome will come back to the Catholic Faith, there will be 'the return to Tradition of the ecclesiastical authorities'.1                        -Lionel Andrades
For this reason it seems opportune that we reaffirm our faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the unique Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation nor possibility to find the means leading to salvation; our faith in its monarchical constitution, desired by Our Lord himself, by which the supreme power of government over the universal Church belongs only to the Pope, Vicar of Christ on earth; our faith in the universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of both the natural and the supernatural orders, to Whom every man and every society must submit. 
The Society continues to uphold the declarations and the teachings of the constant Magisterium of the Church in regard to all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council which remain tainted with errors, and also in regard to the reforms issued from it. We find our sure guide in this uninterrupted Magisterium which, by its teaching authority, transmits the revealed Deposit of Faith in perfect harmony with the truths that the entire Church has professed, always and everywhere.
The Society finds its guide as well in the constant Tradition of the Church, which transmits and will transmit until the end of times the teachings required to preserve the Faith and the salvation of souls, while waiting for the day when an open and serious debate will be possible which may allow the return to Tradition of the ecclesiastical authorities.

NOVEMBER 4, 2017

Breakthrough - Slaves recognised by Bishop Robert J.McManus : all Catholic religious communities can now affirm EENS with BOD, BOB and I.I not being exceptions

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