Saturday, November 11, 2017

Leftist Catholic mag: Robert Spencer “disagrees with the thrust of modern church teaching on Islam and Muslims”

Leftist Catholic mag: Robert Spencer “disagrees with the thrust of modern church teaching on Islam and Muslims”


n a lengthy hit piece in which they rely on the “research” of the Prince Alwaleed-funded “Bridge Initiative” of Georgetown University, the Leftist Catholic magazine Commonweal says that “Spencer disagrees with the thrust of modern church teaching on Islam and Muslims.”
By that they mean that I disagree with Pope Francis’ claim that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence,” as any sane and informed person, Catholic or non-Catholic, should. If that is indeed “church teaching,” then the Catholic Church has a massive problem: it is presenting outright falsehood as “church teaching,” and cannot be trusted by Catholics or anyone else.
And indeed, the Catholic Church, and Christians in general, do have a problem: a general denial of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and a tendency to condemn those who are raising awareness of jihad terror and Sharia oppression, including the Muslim persecution of Christians, as “Islamophobes.”
Get the details, both from my often harrowing personal experiences with Catholic and other Christian officials, and from current news, as unbelievable as it may seem, in my new book Confessions of an Islamophobe, which could be subtitled what happens when an ordinary person starts calling attention to the jihad terror threat. Preorder your copy here now.

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