Saturday, November 11, 2017

No denial by Dr.Robert Fastiggi

OCTOBER 29, 2017

Dr.Robert Fastiggi cannot respond with the usual accusations

OCTOBER 22, 2017 

Dr.Robert Fastiggi's Scorecard


OCTOBER 28, 2017

Faculty at Sacred Heart Major Seminary agree there are no known cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance in 2017

OCTOBER 28, 2017

There is an in principle error in the text of Vatican Council II and Dr.Robert Fastiggi is not aware of it

AUGUST 9, 2017

For Ralph Martin,Robert Fastiggi and Phillip Blosser BOD etc refer to invisible cases but students at Detroit have to infer that they are visible

 JULY 13, 2017

Prof. Robert Fastiggi, Ralph Martin agree that invisible people cannot be visible at the same time : in agreement with Fr. Stefano Visintin's statement

OCTOBER 22, 2017

Dr.Robert Fastiggi wants Bishop Donald Sanborn and Chris Ferrara to affirm a magisterium in heresy and schism like him
OCTOBER 30, 2017
Two popes must ask Franciscans, Domincians, Jesuits, Benedictines, Carmelites and other religious organisations and lay movements to affirm Vatican Council II (premise-free) and then do it themselves
OCTOBER 15, 2017
We are in the same Church but the Polish bishops interpret the Nicene Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II and the Catechism differently

SEPTEMBER 25, 2017

There is a mistake in Vatican Council II : two popes need to be shown that in principle hypothetical cases are not exceptions to EENS
DECEMBER 17, 2016
 SEPTEMBER 24, 2017
Two popes need to correct the objective error in salvation theology which cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit and so is not magisterial
SEPTEMBER 23, 2017
The Catholic Church guided by the Holy Spirit teaches that all non Catholics in 2017 need to be incorporated into the Church as members for salvation.This is Vatican Council II and the Catechism : present popes are denying this

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