Wednesday, November 29, 2017

No denial from Cardinal Ladaria and Bishop Fellay : two interpretations of Vatican Council II and theirs is the irrational one

For Lionel Andrades on the blog Eucharist and Mission they refer to invisible and unknown cases in 2017. So they are not exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.



Image result for Photos of Cardinal Ladaria and Bishop FellayImage result for Photos of Cardinal Ladaria and Bishop Fellay

There is no denial from Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, Prefect, of the Congregation for the Doctrine  or Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX).They agree with me!
Image result for Photos Archbishop Guido PozzoImage result for Photos Archbishop Augustine di Noia

They acknowledge that there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II,one is rational and the other irrational.Thiers is the irrational one.
They realize that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance is being interpreted as physically known or unknown in 2017 and they have chosen the irrational option.
They know that for me LG 16,LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical and invisible cases. So Vatican Council II cannot be a rupture with the past ecclesiology of the Church based on Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
They know that the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II would be saying 'all' non Catholics, with no exception,in the present times, need 'faith and baptism' (Ad Gentes 7) for 'salvation'.So LG16 ( invincible ignorance) being an invisible case is not exception to Ad Gentes 7.The majority of people today at the time of death, are oriented to Hell, since they die without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7,LG 14).This is Vatican Council II and not just Tradition.
Ladaria and Fellay do not object when I say, that the ecclesiology of the Church before and after Vatican Council II is the same and it is in harmony with the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century on EENS.
Since the old ecclesiology of the Church is intact for me there can only be an ecumenism of return and traditional mission.This would be  knowing all the natives in the Americas before Columbus, were oriented to Hell until the missionaries went there.It was the same for Goa, India before the arrival of St. Francis Xavier.The ordinary way of salvation is faith and baptism and not invincible ignorance and other unknown exceptions.
To consider invincible ignorance as the ordinary means of salvation would be irrational and a new doctrine.It would contradict Vatican Council II (AG 7).
So it means that when Cardinal Ladaria and Bishop Fellay meet a non Catholic, in their office, they know that he or she is oriented to Hell not because they can read souls but because the Catholic Church inspired by the Holy Spirit teaches this (Vatican Council II, Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 etc  on extra ecclesiam nulla salus ).
It means all religious communities can affirm Vatican Council II, the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and the past ecclesiology, to receive canonical status.They meet the doctrinal requirement set by the Church for the SSPX. Cardinal Ladaria agrees with me.
Since there is no known salvation outside the church and everyone needs to have his name on the parish baptism register, to avoid Hell, the priority is the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation and so also the non separation of Church and State.This would be the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation, and which is not contradicted by Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

November 28, 2017

Repost : No denial from Cardinal Ladaria, CDF : schism from the Left over Vatican Council II


November 22, 2017
Image result for Photos Cardinal Ladaria with Pope Benedict

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, CDF Prefect's objective error as President of the ITC must not be ignored : de -railed Vatican-SSPX agreement

November 17, 2017

Repost :No denial from SSPX : Books of Archbishop Lefebvre are obsolete now : so are the writings on Vatican Council II by Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei

November 18, 2017
Repost : No denial from Dr.Robert Fastiggi or the Society of St.Pius X : all agree invisible people are not visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus

November 18, 2017
Repost :When will the SSPX and the St.Benedict Centers simply say that there are no baptism of desire cases in our reality ?

 November 18, 2017
Repost : Atila S. GuimarĂ£es made a mistake in the interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus : with the same irrational reasoning Vatican Council II emerges as a break with Tradition for him

November 18, 2017

Repost : Have you noticed that physically visible or invisible BOD here has produced two different conclusions in the interpretation of Vatican Council II

November 20, 2017

Pope Francis has made a doctrinal mistake and is forcing it upon the St.Benedict Centers, SSPX and Franciscans of the Immaculate : he can correct it with an announcement

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