Thursday, November 16, 2017

SSPX must not waste time.Affirm Vatican Council II (premise-free) : appeal to Card.Ladaria to do the same

The SSPX must not waste time.They must  put forward their General Chapter Statement 2012 as a condition for accepting Vatican Council II( premise free).Tell Ecclesia Dei that they affirm Vatican Council II knowing outside the Church there is no known salvation and nor the possibility of finding salvation.
Capitularies of the SSPX's 2012 General Chapter
Possibilities are not known examples of salvation outside the Church.They cannot be practically known.This is common sense.
Image result for Photo of Bishop Bernard Fellay outside the CDF building VaticanImage result for Photo of Bishop Bernard Fellay outside the CDF building Vatican
Tell Archbishop Guido Pozzo that Vatican Council II is in harmony with the past exclusivist ecclesiology.This is the  ecclesiology with an ecumenism of return. Since LG 16, LG 14, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases.We know that  hypothetical cases cannot be practical exceptions to the old ecclesiology of the Church.The old ecclesiology was based on Feeneyite EENS; EENS with no exceptions.
If LG 16, LG 8,NA 2 etc happened they would only be known to God.Personally we humans cannot see or meet any person in this condition.These are references to invisible people in 2017.
What Remains of the Franciscans of the Immaculat
 So Vatican Council II is no more a doctrinal issue for canonical status.Affirm Vatican Council II without the there- is- known- salvation- outside- the- Church premise.
They would also be appealing  to Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary, Ecclesia Dei and all religious communities, including the Franciscans of the Immaculate, to do the same.
Image result for Photo of Bishop Donald Sanborn
There are a few thousand posts on this subject on the Internet.They explore the concept of Vatican Council II interpreted without the irrational premise.
Even the sedevancantist communities CMRI,MHFM,that of Bishop Donald Sanborn and others can now start to read Vatican Council II without mixing up what is unknown as being known, invisible as being visible, hypothetical as being objective and de jure( accepted in principle) as being defacto.
Of course if Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) wrongly announces that possibilities are known exceptions in the present times to the dogma EENS, it would have to be rejected.If for him LG 16, GS 22 etc( See his mistake in Christianity and the World Religions, ITC) continues to be an exception to Feeneyite EENS it would have to be rejected.This irrational reasoning results in a hermeneutic of rupture.All good Catholics must avoid it.
Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict with Cardinal Luis Ladaria
Fr.Luiz Ladaria S.J as President of International Theological Commission,Vatican made a mistake.Cardinal Ratzinger approved it.Now as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctine of the Faith he can correct the error.
On his own, he could admit there was a 
theological mistake  and then invite traditionalists and sedevacantists to also correct it and then come back into the Church,in a full way.-Lionel Andrades

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