Thursday, November 23, 2017

SSPX recognises that Abp.Lefebvre's writings are obsolete : seminaries have to make the correction

The writings and books of Archbishop Lefebvre are now obsolete and there is no denial from the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX), and so at SSPX seminaries, his books should be seen as historical and important writings in the Catholic Church - but not an authentic interpretation of Vatican Council II, not an analysis of Vatican Council II.
 Now we know that we can interpret EENS and Vatican Council II without this posibilities- are- objective- in- the- present- times error.Possibilities are not exceptions to EENS in 2017. Invisible- for- us baptism of desire is not a visible exception to Feeneyite EENS.So the magisterium made a mistake and so did Archbishop Lefebvre and the traditionalists Hildebrand, Michael Davies etc.They were as wrong as the liberals Ratzinger,Rahner, Kung,Congar,Schillebeeckx and others.Both groups were using the false premise i.e unknown people are known examples of salvation outside the Church.
So today the foundation for ecclesiology at SSPPX seminaries and pontifical seminaries in Rome is the same.Both groups use the false premise, the  baptism of desire, for example,  refers to visible people for them.
Both groups use the new theology which is based on invisible- for- us baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance being visible. They are further considered examples of salvation outside the Church even though no one knows of any such case in real life.
This is the false premise.
I repeat : for both groups there is known salvation outside the Church since they use a common premise.
So presently the Department of Theology at SSPX seminaries
is teaching ecclesiology, salvation theology, ecumenism etc with the false premise.It is the same at the John Lateran, Gregorian and Urbaniana university in Rome.
It is the same with the liberals and the present magisterium.So during the Vatican-SSPX Doctrinal Talks Fr. Jean Marie Gleize could not see the difference. He was using the same false new theology as Fr. Charles Morerod o.p and the result was a rupture with Tradition which was acceptable for Morerod but not for Gleize.
Prof Jean Marie Gleize who teaches Ecclesiology at the SSPX seminary in Econe,Switzerland still teaches theology with the false premise, since Archbishop Lefebvre did so. It is irrational, outdated and non traditional.It is heretical.It needs to be corrected.
For example being saved in invincible ignorance of the Gospel through no fault of ones own, refers to people who are 'not there'.They could only be known to God.We humans cannot see a person saved in Heaven in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.This was not known to Archbishop Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani.This error is the theological foundation of the new ecumenism, new theology etc.
-Lionel Andrades


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