Sunday, November 19, 2017

St.Benedict Centers formally reject Feeneyism with Vatican Council II : visible for us baptism of desire is chosen

If you consider the baptism of desire(BOD) visible or invisible decides how you interpret Vatican Council II. So it determines if the conclusion is traditional or non traditional.Orthodox or heretical.
Most Catholics interpret Vatican Council II with BOD being visible.So they cannot believe me when I say that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).For me invisible cases of BOD cannot be a rupture with what they now call the past esclusivist ecclesiology.It's unthinkable.They cannot imagine Vatican Council II being traditional.
Now the traditionalists at the St.Benedict Center, Still River,Massachusetts have chosen to accept canonical status in the diocese of Worcester, with visible for us baptism of desire.So hypothetical cases in Vatican Council II are interpreted as being non hypothetical.Visible for them LG 16 ( invincile ignorance) and LG 14 ( baptism of desire) become a rupture with Feeneyite EENS and the ecclesiology of the 16th century.So Vatican Council II is a rupture with the past for them. It is the same for the bishop in Worcester.They have a common rupture with the ecclesiogy of Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center of his times.
Brother Thomas Augustine,micm, Prior at St. Benedict Still River does not deny this. He has compromised on theology.With a new theology, there are now known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to traditional outside the Church there is no salvation.For his community the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary outside the Church there is salvation.This is their theology. So there is a new doctrine for him. It is no more every one needs to enter the Church as members for salvation. It is only those who know i.e who are not in invincible ignorance(LG 16) who need to be Catholic to avoid Hell.It is every one needs to enter the Church for salvation except for those whom they know, who are saved with the baptism of desire(LG 14) etc.
This is a sell out since Thomas Augustine had a choice. He could have interpreted Vatican Council II with LG 16 and LG 16 referring to invisible people in our times. They are invisible obviously.Common sense tells us that they are a reference to hypothetical cases. Then for Brother Thomas Augustine there would have been no exceptions to the old theology i.e there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and all need to be members with no known exceptions, outside the Church there is no salvation. There  would be no change in the old salvation theology with Vatican Council II.The ecclesiology of the Church after Vatican Council II, with LG 16 etc referring to unknown people, would be the same as that of the 16th century missionaries and magisterium.
Possibly, Brother Andre Marie micm,Prior, at the St. Benedict Center Richmond,New Hampshire will accept canonical recognition with the same interpretation of Vatican Council II.For them too it would be visible for us baptism of desire.This 'does the trick'.You are as they say, 'in step with the Church'.The traditionalists would then affirm the interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS according to Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci, the bishop of Manchester,USA.
Traditionalists have come in line. This is the theology and the new doctrines of FSSP priests who offer the Tridentine Rite Mass in Boston. One of them was here in Rome a few years back.He did not want to be quoted saying that the Catholic Church teaches that all Jews and Muslims need to formally enter the Church for salvation.
For the FSSP priests,  in general, every one does not need to enter the Church for salvation since invisible cases of the baptism of desire would be visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS, this year.So they affirm a new EENS which has known exceptions of BOD and they make sure to say that they are not Feeneyites.They will not affirm the dogma EENS in which BOD cannot be an exception. For them it must always be EENS with visible for them BOD.Exceptions are obligatory.
This is the Lefebvrist understanding of EENS,like that of  sedevacantists Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada.They produce long lists of references to BOD and infer that these are known people saved outside the Church.Even though  the text no where says this.No pope or saint has said that BOD refers to visible in the flesh people, known people.Even the Council of Trent which is often cited does not state this.This has to be wrongly inferred. So they make the inference and then say they are not Feeneyites.
Image result for Photos Una Voce Latin MAssImage result for Photos Una Voce Latin MAssImage result for Photos Una Voce Latin MAssImage result for Photos Una Voce Latin MAssImage result for Photos Una Voce Latin MAss
The traditionalists at Una Voce and the Latin Mass Societies are not going to issue a correction and state that BOD refers to hypothetical cases only.They cannot do this since they need the recognition of Ecclesia Dei, the Popes and their local bishops.It is the same with the St. Benedict Centers.
So now with the St.Benedict Centers not willing to affirm invisible for us baptism of desire-  and there being no exceptions to the past ecclesiology  after Vatican Council II- who is left? Or rather who is not Left? Where are the Feeneyite religious communities? Even the trads have gone liberal.
Since the traditionalists  have gone liberal with known salvation outside the Church, Pope Francis can tomorrow use this new theology and doctrine, from Vatican Council II(with the premise),to spring upon us an ecumenical Mass. He has already issued a moto propro which tells us that there is not only salvation but sanctification outside the Church.He will officially name a saint who is not a formal member of the Church and will not be going to Hell.May be the Masons will suggest Luther's name.
Here in Rome at Mass in Italian the prayer intentions have gone wild  on ecumenism.Of course for all the priests there is visible for them baptism of desire. So there is the Anonymous Christian saved outside the Catholic Church.They repeat Cardinal Ratzinger's new theology ' all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church'.
Image result for Photos Polish Prayer Rosary at the BordersImage result for Photos Polish Prayer Rosary at the BordersImage result for Photos Polish Prayer Rosary at the BordersImage result for Photos Polish Prayer Rosary at the Borders
A Polish priest in Rome, was probably given instructions to strongly criticize Catholic Poland Praying the Rosary at the Borders.He went ahead with the denunciation. The Vatican and Vicariate theology does not allow any priest to say in a homily that the baptism of desire refers to invisible cases and so there are no known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.This would mean that the Catholic Church still teaches that all Muslims and Jews are on the way to Hell unless they formally enter the Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14).Even the Polish bishops with visible for us baptism of desire cannot say this.So with visible for us baptism of desire and known salvation outside the Church why would the Polish Catholics have to pray along their borders Rome could ask?
The St.Benedict Centers have stopped saying this years back.They do not say all Jews,Muslims and other Christians need to convert into the Church with no known exceptions. So now they have been formally recognised and approved by Bishop Robert J. McManus, the bishop of Worcester.
-Lionel Andrades

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