Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Social Reign of Christ the King can be seen based on Cushingite or Feeneyite theology, Vatican Council II with the false premise or without it.

The Social Reign of Christ the King can be seen based on Cushingite or Feeneyite theology, Vatican Council II with the false premise or without it.One does not have to be a traditionalist who rejects Vatican Council II(premise-free).
Yes reject Vatican Council II(Cushingite)which would infer that there is known salvation outside the Church and so the past ecclesiology of the Church is rejected upon which is based the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King.Vatican Council (Cushingite) must continue to be rejected by the traditionalists. All Catholics should reject it.

For me the Social Reign of Christ the King means encouraging every one to be Catholic, without forcing them.So the political laws must be based on traditional Catholic doctrine and theology.Outside the Church there is no known salvation.So it is important for every one to save their soul and be a member of the Catholic Church.Vatican Council II states all need faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7)
Catholics should only vote for Catholic political parties which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King based on Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.
This is extra ecclesiam nulla salus without the premise and Vatican Council II without the premise.
In the CMTV Download program on the Social Reign of Christ the King it is said every one does not need to be a Catholic. Bradley Eli interprets extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II with Cushingite theology.So for him the baptism of desire etc as refers to known examples of people saved outside the Church.Known? Where are these known examples? So since for him and the CMTV team, and the rest of Detroit, there are known exceptions to the traditional exclusivisit theology of the Catholic Church, every one does not need to be a member of the Church for salvation. So proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King, with their new theology,Cushingite theology, is not a priority in a pluralistic state for them.

This was the theological formation of Bradley Eli  and he s repeats it.It is the same liberal theology of Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Dr.Ralph Martin and the Archbishop of Detroit.When they support a separation of Church and State we have the present Satanic secularism of our times.We have Catholics voting for the Left which is from Satan with its support of abortion etc.
-Lionel Andrades


Restoring all things in Christ.
November 22, 2017

AUGUST 17, 2017

Bishops Fellay, Schneider are not proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King supported by Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite)

AUGUST 16, 2017

Bishop Athanasius Schneider does not proclaim the Catholic Faith honestly in Kazhkistan

JULY 17, 2017

Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure

 MAY 3, 2017

Image result for Name of the President of PolandAndrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism

DECEMBER 19, 2016

Catholics will not vote for the Catholic political parties :The four cardinals are using an irrational philosophy to reject the traditional ecclesiology and interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrationality

NOVEMBER 18, 2016

The two Catholic political organisations are Forza Nuova and Militia Christi. These two lay organisations should be supported in some way this feast of Christ the King
NOVEMBER 18, 2016
On Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. We need to only vote for a political party which upholds the separation of secularism and state

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