Monday, November 13, 2017

The Souls In Purgatory : an excerpt from Fabienne Guerrero’s My Testimony and her after life visions

For Discernment: The Souls In Purgatory

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[This is an excerpt from Fabienne Guerrero’s My Testimony and her afterlife visions, for discernment]:
Many souls fall into hell unfortunately at the hour of their death… Had they confessed to a priest, they may have been in purgatory or in Heaven, but not in hell.
Before Confession, I heard my soul say: “I am in the bottom of the abyss.” After I confessed I heard: “I am in the bottom of purgatory.”
Jesus explained to me that, although the sins were erased, I have to make reparation as long as I am on the earth. Otherwise, I would have had to make reparation in purgatory. He made me see the suffering of my soul in purgatory as it would expiated the sins of the flesh that I had committed. As well, I heard: “Expiation of the sin of the flesh.” In my soul I felt the torture inflicted by the demons; they were furious that I had abandoned them.
I accepted these sufferings in a spirit of humility and of reparation. I asked God’s Grace for support for what I was to expiate.
What shame it was for me to see in my interior that it was Satan who inflicted impurities on my own body. As a lover of sexual pleasure, my soul began to cry and regret it profusely. But I had to make reparation. I who loved mini-skirts to show my bosom, here is my body now in gehenna. In order to maintain a beautiful body I would go on diets, do body building, enjoy sauna and the jacuzzi. I even went for plastic surgery…
My soul found itself with both hands hanging on a wall.
I saw that my soul had the same shape as that of my earthly body.
I was in what seemed to be a huge grotto. Everything was dark. Suddenly great waves of brilliant light descended into the place where I was.
Above me was purgatory, with very high flames. The souls that were in this state of purification were all united to the Divine Will. Their greatest suffering is not yet seeing God face to Face.
They saw Him, on their particular judgment, in a light that is not yet that of Heaven and have therefore kept a great yearning for God, but they do not wish to appear before Him with their blemishes.
They are being purified and they make amends for that for which they did not make amends on the earth, and many of them learn how to love.
So I pray for them and in turn, they pray for the wretched one that I am and together, in the communion of saints, we help each other to be enlightened so that we can approach God without fear and without blemish.
The souls in purgatory became my beloved sisters, but I do not speak to them because God does not allow it. I simply pray so that they can help me in my mission of evangelization.
I saw many white steps that I quickly climbed and upon arriving at the top of the white staircase, a man dressed in red opened the door and then removed himself quickly.
Right then I entered into an ocean of peace where I felt a very strong Presence of God the Father. He is the Source. He is a benevolent Father, filled with love and peace. His Presence overwhelmed this ocean of peace.
God the Father is very mild and loving and He told me without my being able to see Him: “I am a Father full of love for my children,” “Do not sin.”
I who only believed that God was a very severe Father, finally became conscious of His great holiness. Even if God is love, mercy, and justice, His greatest attribute is that mercy. He said: “God is the Father.” “So I call Him: ‘Father of Love,'” “Dear Father,” and I thrust myself into His Arms of love. And then I followed the path of spiritual childhood. 
God is Love as the apostle Saint John taught us. God thinks only of healing us and nursing our wounds.

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