Monday, November 27, 2017

Now it is the time for cardinals Kasper and Marx to reject Vatican Council II

The traditionalists and sedevacantists must push their case forward.This is the time to ask for a clarification on Vatican Council II. 
Image result for Photos Pope Francis with Ladaria

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria and Archbishop Pozzo  are avoiding  this issue. They fear a schism in Germany and other countries dominated by the liberals and Masons
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and Ecclesia Dei know that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the past ecclesiology but they do not want to endorse the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the church.
They are not going to afirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus, because of political pressure from the Left, so this is the time for Catholics to speak the truth about the Faith.
Affirm Vatican Council II and the past exclusivist ecclesiology  and ask Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, the CDF, Prefect, to do the same.Then watch how he will reject the Council and EENS.
Image result for Photos  Cardinal MarxImage result for Photos  Cardinal Kasper
The days for the traditionalists rejecting Vatican Council II are over.Now it is the time for cardinals Kasper and Marx to reject Vatican Council II.
Inform the people about this.-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 26, 2017

No denial from Cardinal Ladaria, CDF : schism from the Left over Vatican Council II

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